“I PRAYED NOT TO PUT ON A RESPIRATOR” Stevan (64) was in serious condition and was experiencing HORROR at the hospital.


– My condition has worsened. Doctors rushed me to the shock room. On the bed, right next to the one they put me in, lay a dead man. I recognized that yellow, ocher color, which only has one corpse, and everything was clear to me. I couldn’t move … I had to look at him … He was younger than me. I just asked God not to put a respirator on me, because I already knew, those who end up like this already have one foot in the grave.

The third hit

So says Stevan Vučić (64) from Belgrade to “Kurir”, who was admitted to KBC Bežanijska kosa in mid-October to receive treatment for kovida 19.

He spent 21 days in the hospital, of which five days on non-invasive mechanical ventilation. It is considered a miracle that he survived because, in addition to a bilateral pneumonia complicated by the corona virus, he previously had up to three heart attacks, had five stents implanted, and also has problems with sugar …

Considering his age and chronic conditions, Stevan is one of the difficult patients, with a not so good prognosis. He is one of several thousand people who were hospitalized in the third attack of the corona virus.

– I found myself in a crash room with a full face mask, that means they release 17 cubic meters of pure oxygen. The mask is placed on your face with a vacuum cleaner and a large amount of oxygen is injected. Whenever you inhale incorrectly, you will have problems. You think you’re suffocating. The trick is to keep up with the machine. Get into the rhythm quickly. You breathe along with the machine, but if you relax a bit and, for example, fall asleep, you lose your rhythm and you no longer control your breathing. Then it’s hell. When you get that void, it’s unbearable, says Stevan.

Fear of sleeping

The consequences of that stress, both mental and physical, were that he didn’t sleep for days, even when he was taken off camera.

– Only now, and a month has passed, I got used to sleeping. For a long time I was afraid to close my eyes. The feeling is such that you don’t even wish it on the enemy.

While in front of the camera, Stevan couldn’t walk, talk, eat … He looked at the horrible scenes around him, death and pain, and thought about his life and his grandchildren.

– While I was there, at least five people died. I saw them forcing a wheelchair with a man in a bag. I heard what was happening … Doctors determined death, washed her, put her in a bag and in a wheelchair … I have more than 500 stab wounds to the body. Blood is drawn non-stop, tests are done, everything is controlled. My arm is swollen from the stabbing and my stomach is yellow from the blood clotting injections, but the worst is the psychological stress. Here and now there are tears in my eyes … I went out and it was as if God was measuring me. But some are not. And I can’t believe that there are people who, after all, don’t believe in the crown, at a time when hospitals are full and patients, doctors, nurses and everyone else are in a daily rush through life, he says .

He was left with a squeaky voice

Stevan was discharged from the hospital on November 13 and just a few days ago, after almost a month, he went out for a walk.

Another consequence that he draws from the hospital is that, he says, his voice has changed because of the amount of oxygen he has been receiving.

Photo: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

– My voice is still a little high-pitched, but that’s irrelevant. I am alive. And I am home. Man needs little.

Doctors are like angels

Within a month, while lying in KBC Bežanijska kosa, in addition to all the traumatic scenes he saw, Stevan also witnessed the incredible dedication of the medical staff.

– Dr. Marija Milenković, who took care of me the most, is literally a creature of God. An angel. How you cared for us is more than your professional obligation. It is simply humanity. Besides her, there were other wonderful doctors and nurses. They saved my life and I will be eternally grateful.

VIDEO: Doctor: This is what it looks like when you die for a crown
