I PARTIALLY REMEMBER FATHER, HE WORKED A LOT: Confession of his son Zdravko Krivokapić, this is what he expects of him


He wrote about his childhood and his relationship with his father, the lessons he learned from him and what he expects from his father if he becomes Prime Minister of Montenegro. We convey his words in full:

I was born on September 22, 1991 in Podgorica. By the nature of things, I remember the early years of my life only on the basis of one story, mainly from my parents. They told those stories to appreciate his resignation, to gain respect and modesty. I loved spending my childhood with my father’s parents in Nikšić. Jed Drago was the best person I have had the opportunity to meet in my life. He wore love in a smile and justice in his eyes. Out of love and the need to pay tribute to him, I mention it.

When I was a kid, I partially remember OCA. I remember that he worked a lot. That he came home late. But that was extremely joyous. I know that he and his mother always gave up everything to have me. They abandoned clothes, shoes, outings and even fruit, so that we would have all that and much more. Out of sheer selflessness and love. But they asked; respect, effort and work. So we were all good pupils and students.

I have many stories and ways they taught me life, I will share some of them: For the first time, I separated from my parents in the 3rd grade of elementary school. We took an excursion to Kolasin. I cried the first night. My FATHER came the next day. She said she was passing by and was taking me to lunch. As soon as we sat down, I started crying because I wanted to go back. Then she told me:

– You chose this – my FATHER told me: “We, Krivokapići, are such that when we take something we reach the end, we must not give up”. Those words determined me for the rest of my life.

Later in high school, he began spending more time with his father. It was there that I realized what life support means. The support you resist when you are going through a difficult time, to move on. We solved the dilemmas by giving me advice. Never a solution, I should have come up with a solution on my own.

I also remember the discussion about the material (why don’t we have more). My need was a reflection of the wishes of the high school society. Societies whose parents were part of the “elite”. I had to reconcile many conversations and I soon realized that after fulfilling the existential conditions, peace and happiness cannot be bought with money.

Going to study was a great challenge. Belgrade contributed a lot, I was wrong. Every mistake, when it got more serious, reminded me of my parents and their sacrifices. How many times have I felt the need to pay my parents? And finally, I started to work and earn and be able to help them.

But then it’s the FATHER’s turn again. It comes to bring light to my life for the thousandth time. To raise the highest values ​​of human society to the pedestal of life. To defend myself from Satan’s desire and spiritual apathy. To remind me once again what it means to be human and what those true values ​​are.

ZDRAVKO D. KRIVOKAPIĆ is my father. A man with a big heart and an even bigger soul. He and my mother taught me to speak, think, love, respect, appreciate and love all the people on the planet. They taught me that it is possible to love a stone. They taught me that everything you imagine is possible with work, faith and effort.

I am writing this because I feel compelled to share with you what it means to be your child. When ZDRAVKO is appointed prime minister, I don’t know what economic changes will occur, but I know that true values ​​will be back in fashion. That man and his spirit will be appreciated again. That your kindness, work, effort, knowledge will be more important than all the money in the world.

And as for salary and pension. Do not worry. If I asked him for 10 euros, he would give me 20, although the question is how much is left in his pocket. And he never ever said no. And we always had enough.

As a citizen, I hope to God that we do not lose the unique opportunity that what I gained at home as values ​​becomes state values.

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