I MUST SAY THAT I FEEL A CONSCIOUSNESS OF CONSCIOUSNESS! The leader traveled to Dubai and found out what the situation was there with KORON.


I MUST SAY THAT I FEEL A CONSCIOUSNESS OF CONSCIOUSNESS!  The leader traveled to Dubai and found out what the situation was there with KORON.

Photo: Pritnscreen / Instagram

First Television host Filip Čukanović took a vacation to Dubai, from where he joined the live morning show.

He shared his experience of the trip with the public and immediately turned to his colleague Mariana, who was in the studio.

– I must say immediately that I have a great conscience because of you that I am on vacation. I hope you survive, I know it’s not easy for you. I’ll be here next week – he said at the beginning, and gave details of his visit to Dubai.

– I was in January and this time is different. There are far fewer people, obviously everyone is afraid of the crown. Although, the situation here is calmer than in Europe, in our country. There is no pressure, they are looking for masks to wear, but that is not the main topic. Now that the season is here, it’s very hot, 30 degrees. It is half empty everywhere. However, prices are the same as at the beginning of the year – said Cukanovic.

– People have reached an agreement with the crown here, it is not announced daily how many are infected, how many have died. The stress level is incomparably lower here than in Europe. They are preparing New Year’s Eve, next season, etc. The atmosphere is much more relaxed, Filip added at “Jutra” in Prva.



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