“I MAKE A RECORD IN WHICH TWO OPTIONS FIGHT” Miladin Sevarlic explained all the reasons why the hunger strike ended


They forced me to end the hunger strike in front of the assembly because I only became a log in which two options are fought, deputy Miladin Sevarlic said today.

Speaking about the strike by other deputies in front of the assembly, he said that Aleksandar Martinović of the SNS “made a reality show on the stairs” with his deputies.

“Congratulations to him, he lasted the entire first night,” she said.

He said he scheduled a press conference at 11 p.m. the first night because he wanted to focus only on the issue he raised, but journalists were more interested in SNS deputies and the leader of Dveri, reports H1.

– But about twenty teams came, they all rushed to the majority deputies who gathered, talked for half an hour, then moved from that group from right to left to Boško Obradović, in the end only the RTS team came to me. who told me, you only have two sentences. The first and two words of the second sentence were published in the third RTS daily, so even I, who made the statement, did not understand what it was about, I served as a cover with a photo, he noted.

Protest in front of the AssemblyPhoto: Tara Radovanović / Tanjug
Protest in front of the Assembly

He said he did not want to give up and go to sleep, while Obradović then retired to the parliamentarians’ rooms to rest. He added that he had a conversation with Martinović around 3 o’clock.

– I exposed the insult to common sense on the part of the majority, he commented on that with the statement: we were wrong, and that is the end – said the MP.

He also said that he did not regret his protest, but that he stopped it because it made no sense.

– It makes no sense because I asked him the most important national issue, Kosovo and Resolution 1244 and the Serbian Constitution, and in the context of that nonsense, Serbia’s path to the EU without Kosovo – he explained.

He also said that he did not know if he would achieve that with his strike, but his objective was to encourage citizens to think about that issue due to the political responsibility of both the past and the current regime and, as he said, the future.

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