“I LOVE YOU, DON’T GO TO HELL …” New Belgraders annoyed by SECTARIAN FLYERS in mailboxes


“If after reading this text you have decided to trust Jesus Christ as your Savior, or if you need help in understanding what you have read, please contact us,” reads a brochure found in the mailboxes of many in recent years. days. New citizens of Belgrade and disturbed the tenants of the blocks.

The sect that has recently devastated New Belgrade again, “Biblical Salvation”, continues to offer citizens advice “that they must receive and earn salvation” by distributing leaflets in the apartments of blocks 62, 63 and 64, and now They have expanded their activities to Block 45.

On the Facebook page “Block 45 Info”, a user of this social network published photos of the brochure she received from this sect, and in it you can read numerous “tips” that “Biblical Salvation” gives to citizens.

“You must receive salvation. You cannot earn salvation.” Because by grace you are saved by faith, and not by yourself, it is a gift from God … “, says the brochure.

As already announced, this sect operated in Pancevo, Banovo brdo and Borča last year, and was later reported to the police on suspicion that they were trying to take all their property from their members before being sent to heaven. Some fellow citizens called the police in panic, stating that they suspected that there was even a death sentence behind the recruitment, based on the principle “yours is only to die”.

– The brochures were distributed in blocks by activists of a sect recognized as “biblical salvation”. They call themselves firstborn Christians and say they just want to help people not go to hell. They refer to the Bible, but interpret it according to their needs. In fact, they are dealing with manipulation of people and fraud, says the Detective and Security Agency (DBA) and warns of the danger that threatens fellow citizens.

“Hell is a punishment. There is a punishment for sin.” Because the wages of sin is death. “That death is not only physical, but it is a punishment in hell. We are condemned there for sin. It is not a pleasant place! It is the worst possible place,” he says. in the last brochure to the citizens.

