“I LOVE THE RIVER, right?” Sava Lake cleaned up, CHAIRS AND TIRES found in the water


The Association of Underwater Activities of the Republic of Serbia has launched an environmental project called “I love the river, do you?”, Which includes cleaning actions for rivers and lakes throughout the country, and the cleaning of Lake Sava it was the final stage of this action.

During August, Ćalije lake in the vicinity of Kruševac, the city lake in Bela Crkva, as well as Zavojsko lake near Pirot were cleaned up, and during the day, a team of divers gathered in Ada Ciganlija, ready to take out lake waste.

Photo: Milan Ilic / RAS Serbia

Lake Sava cleanup is a traditional action and has been organized 12 times in the last ten years. The Secretariat of Environmental Protection, as well as the Ministry of Environmental Protection, also participated in the organization of the clean-up action in Ada Ciganlija.

– With the help of non-governmental organizations and the media, we were able to raise public awareness about the importance of protecting the environment. In previous years, car tires, Christmas trees and kitchen appliances were pulled from the lake. Drinking water is declining and that is why it is marked as our most important resource, says Minister of Environmental Protection Goran Trivan for “Blic.”

Photo: Milan Ilic / RAS Serbia

He noted that awareness of environmental protection is now higher, and that in three or four years it was 20 percent, while now, according to surveys, it is 80 percent.

– We see that citizens react to the protection of the environment, citizens pollute less and react when they see that someone else is polluting. Today’s akija is a paradigm, we will also have fun cleaning other lakes in Belgrade – he adds.

The president of the Association of Underwater Activities of the Republic of Serbia, Božana Ostojić, noted that the aim was to point out the need for proper garbage disposal.

– In the first year, two tons of garbage were removed from the lake. The situation has improved remarkably since then, both due to periodic cleaning and increased awareness among citizens. This year the campaign took place in four locations, he says.

Božana OstojićPhoto: Milan Ilic / RAS Serbia
Božana Ostojić

The cleaning of Lake Sava was carried out by divers, and members of the Serbian army and the police participated in the action.

Photo: Milan Ilic / RAS Serbia

In relation to the hundreds of kilograms of souvenirs extracted in previous actions during August, the situation at Lake Sava was not dramatic. A lawn chair from a nearby cafe, two car tires, as well as several bags of cans, as well as plastic bottles and glasses, were pulled out of the water. However, what astonished divers the most was the abbey’s large green cube which was stuck, and no less, in the middle of the lake, and how it got there is unknown.
