“I LOOK FOR A PLUMBING PLAYER WHO EXCEEDED THE CROWN” Confessions of women whose house entered the crown and INFECTED ALL THE FAMILIES, and then even the easiest jobs turn into TRUE AGONY


“Just when I thought that after an infected family member, the queues in front of the kovid clinic and the first symptoms of the virus, nothing can happen to me, suddenly, like lightning from a clear sky, we have a breakdown in the house: the The toilet is clogged. A new hell begins ”, this is how our interlocutor begins the story, who had the unpleasant experience of having the coronavirus entering her house.

Unfortunately, many stories are like this. The crown, as our experts said in the days after us, entered families and then cannot be controlled, and when that happens, every job becomes tedious and difficult. You cannot buy basic groceries, there is no one to take care of your children, there is no one to buy your medicine, you are trapped in 4 walls hoping that everything will pass as soon as possible.

Our interlocutors, to whom this is exactly what happened, testify to how difficult the situation really is, and if it seems funny sometimes, the crown is more than something dangerous. Therefore, an appeal before reading: People, beware!

– A seemingly ordinary everyday misfortune turns into hell the moment I realize that I have to call a teacher, but how? How to eliminate the problem, introduce the master in the house where we are all, except the dog, infected, keeping everyone safe and the cup unplugged? – she says and remembers that at the time she had the first symptoms, her boyfriend was struggling with a high fever and was feeling weak, so all his daily obligations remained.

As she explained, she first tried to solve the problem herself by looking for the best solution on the Internet, but that was inevitable and she had to call the teacher and explain what the situation was.

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She wanted to be honest, not endanger anyone, so she immediately explained what it was about, but without thinking, the teachers persistently rejected her.

– I understand that I need to change tack. I dial a new number and this time I have a different start. Hello, maybe you put the crown on? I ask the man who called me. A long silence and the answer “You know what, I take great care and respect the measurements, I wear a mask and keep my distance”, recites the teacher as a song. I interrupt my desire to explain the situation. Nothing. – experienced another failed attempt.

As the situation worsened, he continued to change the numbers and unexpectedly, on the other hand, received a positive reaction.

– I’m not afraid, ma’am, crown, just say the address and I’ll be there in an hour – as he says that, a wave of relief overwhelms me, it’s even easier on the bladder. I explain that I will leave a mask and gloves in front of your door if you need them, and that in the meantime I will disinfect the house as much as possible – says the interlocutor.

An hour later, her rescuer teacher was at the door and she was ready to greet him, as he puts it “as a full-time ambulance worker.”

– He explained from the door that “he infected the virus until they found out he had it in Serbia.” In 15 minutes, my problem was solved, and that day I learned the lesson that wet wipes should not be flushed down the toilet, and who knows how many times I heard the theory that the virus appeared in Serbia in late 2019, he said about his disgust . experience.

As he added, in that period of fights with the high temperature and all the other misfortunes caused by the corona virus, he had the help of a friend who was walking the dog, and also brought food to his door because they could not leave the apartment.

This is just one of the examples that can greet us if we catch it and the virus enters the home, so we are simply unable to do anything, such as normal activities.

The virus increasingly runs into families

The profession also testifies that the virus entered the families, and in recent days it could be heard that all family members were hospitalized, as well as that the virus entered the home due to the irresponsible behavior of individuals.

– Black records are being broken. The virus is advancing at great speed. He moved from nightclubs and cafes to families. We also have entire families in hospitals, two or three generations lying down and being treated together – said recently the secretary of state in the Ministry of Health, prof. Dr. Mirsad Djerlek.

Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević recently spoke about how important it is to protect families. He noted that now each family must have its own crisis headquarters, which determines what is best for all its members, and each has its own controller.

“The hardest thing is taking care of children when everyone is sick”

The situation is even more difficult when it comes to a family of several members in which there are also children, as another of our interlocutors assured, and their problems with the coronavirus were caused by an ordinary family lunch.

– It all started with Sunday lunch at our family home where mom, dad and sister live with two small children. My aunt’s brother, my wife, and I came for lunch. Two days later, we all started showing symptoms. Even today, we don’t know who was the first to get infected. Mom, dad and aunt were the first to show symptoms, fever, fatigue, malaise, we quickly realized that it must be a crown. Two, three days later, they gave us the symptoms and the rest of us, the youngest – says the interlocutor who wanted to remain anonymous.

They all immediately decided to get tested and were affected by what they feared most: they all tested positive.

She says that at first she was alone in the apartment, while her mother, father and sister with two small children were together in the house.

– It was bad for everyone. After three days, I collapsed, dehydrated, and ended up in the hospital due to excruciating headaches. Meanwhile, my friends brought medicine and food alone to my door. While the family supplied the basic provisions with the help of neighbors or workers from the local store who went out to meet and left everything that was needed in front of the house – he says.

The children were not going to kindergarten at the time, he said, so it was the hardest to take care of them, considering they were all sick with extremely strong symptoms.

– For almost three weeks no one in the house took off their mask, day or night because of the children, to protect them at least a little. Each of us ate in our room on the first floor of the house in turns. We did not allow children to climb the stairs because we took off our masks while eating. We also worked when I left the Infectious Diseases Clinic five days later and came to be with them because we were all positive – explains the interlocutor.

However, the agony did not end.

– The day after I left the hospital, my dad ended up there, so the three of us were alone with the children. Then it was even more difficult because every day someone had to go to the doctor for something, to check, everything in different hospitals, institutions and then a person, mom or me, we were alone with the children for hours because every visit to the doctor now there are at least three. , four hours of waiting, and only the sister could take us … – he points out.

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In those days they went through feelings of fear, but also of pain because they were all very sick.

– It is terrible when you are infected alone, much less when the whole family is. You care for everyone, you are afraid, you cannot speak, you cough, everything hurts – recounts the agony you went through.

The story’s epilogue doesn’t have a happy ending yet, because her mother continues to fight a battle with pneumonia.

– A mother who, like any mother, did not stop and took care of everyone, has been fighting pneumonia for a month and a half and her condition is more difficult because she did not get as much rest as it should. As much as everyone forced her and took turns around the children, preparing food, housework … she is older, she had to go to bed all the time, but like when everyone is sick – she concludes.

How to save home?

In “Trampoline”, they say that when a member of the household is positive, the others have to be in home quarantine for 14 days. They are not tested if they do not have symptoms, but with the first signs of the disease, they also have to go to the ambulance.

– They do not undergo tests once the home quarantine has ended, but instead return to their activities. Even people who test positive, and after expiration have no symptoms, do not get tested, according to their chosen doctor, they return to activities, because if they do not have activities for three days, they are considered cured, says Violeta Rakić, epidemiologist from the Trampoline Institute for RTS.

A person who is positive gives the contacts of his chosen doctor and forwards them to the competent epidemiologists.

She says that in apartments where one of the family members is infected, handles, showers, faucets and other objects that are frequently touched should be disinfected as often as possible.

In such situations, when only one member is sick, everyone in the apartment must wear masks.

VIDEO: Six Questions About the Coronavirus Vaccine
