I have witnessed the abominations you vomit from, and then anger and sadness overwhelm you!


Nikolic speaks openly about the dark side of his work, about the fears that accompany the fight for the safety of children, cooperation with the police in the region, the death threats he received and the seizures and personal experiences.

– Social media is awash with them, and we had one of the most drastic examples earlier this year in Golubac, when a 42-year-old man was arrested who wanted to see our detour of a 12-year-old girl asking him to have a relationship. We all post them publicly on our groups and pages on social media, but only when we send correspondence from predators, their location and all data to the police, and then wait for them to do their job, examine and confiscate their devices. This is what bothers pedophiles the most, especially pedophile lobbies who are very well organized: with these words Kosta Nikolić will begin his confession about the fight against pedophilia.

– We have discovered more than 100 predators / pedophiles on social media, most of them are being arrested and their devices confiscated, and some are charged. So far, we have reported to certain services in the region a large number of groups and pages, as well as people who have publicly sold child pornography through the Facebook platform, in a fairly transparent and unrestricted manner. We have removed dozens of those groups.

Of course, they do it according to certain schemes to cheat FB standards as well. We removed the profiles that did this publicly in groups of 100,000 people and the admins did not respond. Most of the child pornography sellers, as well as those groups, are locally connected to the Far East, but there are also sellers from our region.

To report the sale of child pornography, you cannot contact Interpol in person, but must do so through certain law enforcement agencies. With our actions, we have automatically become the target of attacks against those whose plans we have ruined and thwarted, because there is still a lot of money in this criminal business.

– With regard to the Public Registry of Pedophiles, we believe that persons who pose a serious threat to children should be available for inspection. Every citizen has the right to know who are dangerous to children where they live. Such a public record would also be a kind of prevention, because the possibility of a pedophile repeating the crime would be significantly reduced, and as we know, they are returned, that is. most repeat the act of assaulting a child.

This is a fight that sadly has no end in sight. If my team and I, and currently all the Balkans are covered by 15 officers, we managed to save the life of a child, I am satisfied. For us there are no vacations or holidays, we work every day to discover the identity of predators and pedophiles, child pornography and pedophilia. It is the darkest and most perverted human mind and there are so many of them that you cannot fathom how many and that is what is devastating.

Unfortunately, we do not have the same quality of cooperation with all the police in the region, but we hope that this will change for the better. What I learned at the beginning of my work is that I cannot help my children who are in danger from the existence of maniacs. He haunted me for a long time, but keep living with him and fighting the best you can. I entered an evil that cannot be renounced, he says, among other things, for Informer Nikolić ..

– I have witnessed several abominations that literally cause vomiting in a normal person, and after that, of course, you can no longer be the same person. When you see the rape of a baby, the sexual abuse of very young children and minors in the recordings, and at that moment you cannot help them, you are overwhelmed by indescribable anger and sadness.

For all that, it is no longer necessary to go to “Darknet” (a network of the dark world for the global black market), such bestiality we find in hidden groups on social networks, which nobody sanctions. There is no harder or easier job. Fighting pedophilia is my life’s mission and a higher goal for the benefit of society, and when you understand that, you look at many things in life differently. These are the sickest minds and the hell that, unfortunately, is our reality and we must not turn our heads to be better.

– The organization “Stoppedophilia SP” is constantly targeted by various groups and individuals who threaten us with death or want to discredit our work in various ways. They will never make it and of course we always find out who is hiding behind those profiles. We hide our identity to protect families and those who want to harm us, and there are many of them, says Nikolić.


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