I have to think hard before making decisions.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel affirmed that the time of the pandemic is very difficult and that she must think thoroughly before making decisions within the fight against the corona virus.

He noted that he knows that a large number of people fear for their income due to the pandemic and that he has been thinking about it for a long time.

– I often wake up at night and think. This is a very difficult time. I have to think hard before making decisions – Merkel emphasized.

Merkel has been under pressure in recent weeks due to slow vaccination in Germany and the EU relative to other countries such as Britain, the United States and Israel.

He warned that, although everything is going in the right direction, it is necessary to have enough patience not to spoil what has been achieved. Merkel added that she did not know how long it would be necessary to maintain strict prohibition measures.

In Germany, more than 2.2 million people have been infected with almost 60,000 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic.
