I have SLEEP PARALYSIS and for years I was afraid of falling asleep


Many people from time immemorial describe an almost identical phenomenon. They lie down in bed and somewhere between dream and reality, a strange feeling begins. As if they weren’t alone in the room. And then most of them see a strange and creepy silhouette.

Our journalist describes her experience, which she managed to win after a long time:

I woke up … No, I didn’t. I can’t move. What is this ?! I am aware of where I am, but I have no control over my body. I feel like someone is teasing me. I can’t resist, I can’t move, I can’t speak.

I can’t defend myself and someone is pulling me so hard that I feel a grip and it’s already starting to hurt. I will fall out of bed!

I know that I am not alone in the apartment, but I cannot call anyone, words do not come out, I realize that I can only complain. Yes, I literally whine like a wounded dog for help.

And then, I don’t know how, but suddenly I woke up. I thought my heart was going to skip a beat, I started crying in fear and then I saw my legs dangle from the bed.

The best sleeping position

Photo: Petar Markovic / RAS Serbia

The best sleeping position

How come I couldn’t move? I called my friend and barely explained what had happened. I thought he was going to say he was crazy or had a bad dream, but an answer he didn’t expect followed.

– It’s sleep paralysis, don’t worry. Take it easy.

How do I calm down? Something happened to me that I can’t explain. I was scared and afraid to go back to sleep.

And the next night I went to bed scared and the next, but nothing. It did not happen again. I thought that was it. Bad day, maybe full moon, nightmare or something. I did not “google”, I did not investigate, nor did I want to know what happened to me.

But then after a while, it happened again.

I was also paralyzed, I couldn’t move or ask for help. It’s just that now no woman was dragging me by the legs, but someone was suffocating me.

I couldn’t see the face even now, but I felt a strong pressure on my chest. Like the previous time, I woke up suddenly and everything was the same. My pulse jumped and I couldn’t breathe well.

As situations like this became more frequent, I began to investigate what was happening to me to try to find a solution because the nights were really exhausting.

At first, I was convinced that it was not the only case, and that very knowledge made it easy for me immediately. I’m not even crazy, nothing supernatural is happening, it’s just sleep paralysis or, as I prefer to say, “those are my life dreams”.

Sleep paralysis occurs when the brain “wakes up” during REM and the body remains paralyzed. The person is aware of everything, but cannot move. Paralysis can last from a few seconds to a few minutes.

It can be accompanied by terrifying hallucinations, hypnotherapy or hypnagogue, and a sense of danger.

When I learned the theoretical part of the problem that tormented me, I began to think about the best solution because for me going to bed was a fear. Even if the sleep paralysis did not occur every night, even every week, but as long as it is experienced, it leaves an unpleasant feeling for days.

Over time, after the fifth, fifteenth, or twentieth time, I learned to establish control over the situation and to wake up and wake up very quickly.

The principle that I started to apply was to say to myself several times “you dream, dream, dream”, and after that, suddenly I start and wake up. I learned that it is nothing terrible, but just a consequence of stress and unhealthy living, and it can also occur due to fever.

After a few repetitions and convincing myself that I was dreaming everything, I came to the conclusion that I needed to say the magic word “dream” only once and wake up immediately after that.

It took me a while to learn to establish control, but it was worth it because now there is no more fear of bedtime.

VIDEO: What do our dreams mean?
