I HAVE NO MORE CHILDREN, I BURY ALL FIVE: For the unfortunate Živka Marković from the village of Varvarin, the same disease took all the boys.


– I gave birth to healthy sons and daughters, but my sons only got sick when they were boys – Zivko told “Novosti”. – I do not have much education and did not know that it is a disease that affects only men. When we finally left for interrogations, it was too late. All I have to do is take care of my children while I can and how well my health is serving me. That ‘s what I did.

Mladen had the flu immediately before his death and was in therapy. He slept a lot. Then, on September 24, he told his mother that he wanted out. First his mouth flooded, then his whole head. He left, our mother tells us, in a few minutes.

– When the ambulance arrived, they only said there was no salvation – says the almost inaudible unhappy mother. – Mladen is the last one I have. He was happy and did not want to shy away until the last hour. He used the phone with two fingers. I fed him, bathed him, accompanied him. I no longer have anyone.

Zivka Markovic has dedicated her entire life to caring for her sick children. She does not know of another destination. Marka was buried in 2004. Then, nine years later, at the age of 16, Miloš passed away and the following year he was left without Nikola. Andrija lived only seven years, passed away in 2016.

Eternal houses of the Markovic brothers in the village cemetery / Photo by S. Babovic

– They were all good, all in their own way, someone liked to read, someone was happy, someone was withdrawn – Zivka tells us. – Now I have memories and I look for some meaning. I have the right to social assistance, first to finish. Later, raise funds for a monument to Mladen. My son and I were living off someone else’s care allowance and welfare. A pension would mean, but they say I’m not entitled to it. I only had three months of experience, in the refrigerator.


ZIVKA’s children were buried in the local cemetery in the village of Varvarin. One next to the other, four tombs and next to them the mound of Mladen … A wooden cross with his name in a sad row of monuments on which the same surname is engraved … Five tombs, five eternal houses of the Markovic brothers …


SEVERAL humanitarians helped the Markovic family. More than 10 years ago, the Ministry of Labor and donors provided a roof over their heads with furniture. However, time has taken its toll and the house in which Živka is now alone has a leak, the walls have been attacked by humidity …

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