“I have no communication with Vui”; “Amfilohije didn’t hit me”


Podgorica – In an interview with the Beta agency, the Montenegrin president spoke about his relationship with the Serbian president, Metropolitan Amfilohije, as well as whether the “EU brought him down.”

Source: Beta

EPA-EFE Georgi Licovski

EPA-EFE Georgi Licovski

In that interview, Milo Ukanovi said that he had no communication with Serbian President Aleksandar Vui, nor a business relationship. About Vui’s visit to Montenegro during the funeral of Metropolitan Amfilohije, he says. sees it as private.

“When I make a private visit to Belgrade, I don’t call any of my colleagues in the Serbian state government,” he said.

“In the previous period I had an implicit communication for people who carry out functions of heads of neighboring countries,” he said.

Commenting on the writings of some media that he has business relations with Vui, he replied: “It is absolute nonsense who said it. I have no hidden jobs in Montenegro or abroad, and less in Serbia.

“I walk through the water”

He rejected assessments that the international community had “let him down.”

“For someone to let someone go through the water, they had to help them keep their head above the water. Neither Montenegro nor I personally have helped us keep our head above the water. On the contrary. We only remember the referendum. Did you recognize someone? From now to us the international community of partners, then to support us. No, “said ukanovi.

He added that no one could let him down because “he maintained his integrity all the time, deciding independently and responsibly on issues relating to Montenegrin interests.”

“I can say that in several of those situations where I did not have the understanding of the international community, it turned out that later I made the right decision,” he said.

That’s why he was not at Amfilohije’s funeral.

The Montenegrin president claimed that the Democratic Party of Socialists had part of the responsibility for strengthening the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro, but that this did not happen by accident but had its own history.

Ukanovi said that immediately after the 2006 independence referendum, he spoke with the late metropolitan amfilohije about the denomination of the Orthodox church in Montenegro, without a national sign, and that “that idea was not rejected at first.” In this sense, he pointed out, after the 2006 referendum, the Episcopal Council was formed, which gave the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro a certain autonomy, which was “considered an excellent step.”

“Immediately after independence, during a conversation with Amfilohije in the presence of a mutual friend, I suggested that we think about giving the Orthodox Church in Montenegro such a name so that we would free it from the national sign, that is, the sign of those divisions Serbian-Montenegrin, “he said. .

As he adds, they gave some time to “such potential evolution.” “This idea was not rejected then. This process of communication between the Serbian Orthodox Church and the state in the post-independence period was quite appropriate. However, new developments in political events in Serbia, the region and on the world stage They led to poisoning, mainly due to rebuilding – generous ideas, ”Ukanov said.

ukanovi believes that Sebia has reverted to the politics of the 1990s and that “the alleged protection of the rights of the endangered Serbs in the region actually threatens the sovereignty of neighboring states and therefore heralds of unequivocally but apparently camouflaged his idea of ​​rebuilding a greater Serbia “and that the SOC has an important role.”

ukanovi said there was no doubt that the Freedom of Religion Law would sooner or later be part of the Montenegrin legal movement, but added that it should have been adopted earlier.

Yes, there was no optimal time last year in December. There is no fault in the work carried out, so it was estimated that, although it is late, with the approval of this law, we should not wait more than five years since we started there. I remind you that the approval of that law began in 2014. And all that contributed to the creation of such an atmosphere that led to such an electoral result, “he said.

As he added, the Metropolitan Amfilohije and no one else won him in these elections, although “he heard those comments from those people, they have not worked for 30 years, but they hope their defeat.”

When asked why he did not attend the funeral of Metropolitan Amfilohije, with whom he had complicated relationships and encounters for decades, he said that he considered it a “proper relationship” to send a telegram to the Serbian Orthodox Church, its clergy and believers. “I was not objectively prevented, but it was my assessment of the measure of attitude towards that act,” Ukanov said.

“Those who celebrate liberation today want Montenegro to return to slavery.”

He rejected assessments that the new Montenegrin government was “the first democratic government” as being unfounded, adding that its aim was “to support the intention to engage in some kind of revenge against the previous government.”

“Those who celebrate liberation today want Montenegro to return to the state of slavery, state and national deprivation that it lived through from 1918 to 1941,” he told Beta in an interview with Beta.

ukanovi also said he was glad that there were people who were genuinely concerned “about a certain national responsibility” for the future of Montenegro and who recognized the “danger of slipping further” into a society that would become increasingly theocratic and less secular.

“I think it will make these people more responsible when it comes to the electoral process,” he said.

When asked what the government would be like in practice and if he knew any of the new ministers, Ukanov said that he knew some of them so superficially that he could not dare to say that he knew them, but that there would be opportunities to meet during coexistence. .

“I believe that coexistence will be seen as the transition of power after August 30. A good part of the national and international public opinion doubted the democratic capacity of Montenegrin society, claiming that a peaceful transfer of power could not take place here I think we demonstrated that these doubts were unfounded. “Now we are entering the phase of coexistence of the government and I have no problem with that operation. So far I have done my job in accordance with the constitutional powers, so it will be in the next period, “he said.

“The voting public did not punish us for our decisions, but for some of the deformities that they noticed in our behavior. So, if that is true, then it is clear what must be done in Congress and how we should take the steps that will lead us to the rehabilitation of confidence “. he said.

DPS’s Extraordinary Credit Conference is scheduled for August 27th. ukanovi did not give a precise answer to the question whether after the elections some people no longer have a place at the top of the DPS.

“So I really think a lot of work has been done, so it would be heresy now or weird to think if now that this slip up has happened to you, you should think of some renovation that should mean opening up more space for a new generation of people.” said.
