I found out that Sofia and Milos are not my parents, do you know who they are?


“I don’t judge anyone. I don’t ask anyone for more than answers to questions. I just want to know who I am. Maybe I have a brother, a sister, both … Do I have a family in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina that neither Do you even know that I exist? “Maja Tomić-Milosavljević explains and asks, who was left in a cardboard box in front of the” Boško Buha “kindergarten in the center of Sarajevo when she was only a few days old. old.

She shared her shocking story for “Večernji list BiH”.

In the early morning of August 17, 1982, in the courtyard of the Sarajevo kindergarten, which was then called “Boško Buha”, the cry of a child was heard. A few days old baby placed in a cardboard box asked for help. He was looking for his mother. His scream attracted a woman who was nearby. Seeing that there was a living child in the box, the woman called the police, who took the exhausted girl to Jezero hospital. He stayed in the hospital for a few days. The first examination determined that she was a healthy girl who was probably born ten days earlier. Maja was thus recorded as the date of birth on August 7, 1982.

She found out by accident

– All my life I celebrated my birthday on that date, which was determined by the hospital doctors – Maja continues, whose life story is impressive.

Until she was 26 years old, Maja lived with the belief that Sofia and Miloš Tomić were her biological parents. Almost thirteen years ago, Maja’s father, Miloš, died a natural death and, for Maja, the period of searching for her biological parents began. In other words, a few days after her father’s death, Maja stayed at her cabin to sort things out and fold the papers.

– By accident, I reached into a folder and took out a paper that surprised me. It was a full adoption decision issued by the Sarajevo Social Work Center – says Maja.

He held the paper in his hand and read it once. Well, in disbelief once more. Then his wife called to read it too. It is true.

– According to this document, you have been adopted – her husband confirmed incredulous.

They continued to search the papers further to see if they found more evidence of Maja’s origin.

– We only found discharge from the home, a total adoption decision and, imagine, a video of my hips – laughs this brave woman who was placed in the Children’s Home “Ljubica Ivezić” after being discharged from the hospital.

Every search ends in a dead end

According to the available documentation, Maja stayed in the aforementioned house for less than a year, and on July 5, 1983, she was adopted by Sofija and Miloš, a couple from Sarajevo who could not have children of their own.

She was given her surname Tomić and the name Maja. In the birth book, next to their identification number, there is the name of Miloš and Sofia, so there are no traces of biological parents. Sofia died in 1989, Maja and Miloš stayed to live in Sarajevo, where they survived the war, and in 1996 they went to Serbia, to Belgrade.

There he finished school, got married and today he has a wife Milan and a son Igor. By marriage, she also took her husband’s surname, hence her surname is Tomić Milosavljević. Hoping to get answers to questions that concern her in her hometown, Maja has already been to Sarajevo several times. He knocked on numerous doors, told “Večernji list BiH”.

A program about her story was taped and newspapers used to write about her. All of this did not result in finding the identity of the baby in a cardboard box. A baby that is easy to recognize because he has a specific mole on his face from birth. The young man is on the edge of the neck and lower jaw on the left side. Since she was in a biological family for ten days, everyone who was with her had to know about that young man.

After the broadcast of the Maja program, numerous people appeared on social networks, some to provide support, others with immoral offers, some claimed to have a clue, but they would soon stop appearing.

– A few years ago a man called me whose mother says she fed me at Jezero hospital when they placed me there after meeting me in front of the aforementioned kindergarten. The woman told me that at the time it was rumored in the hospital that I was the son of a high-ranking politician or doctor, and that the medical staff paid special attention to the care of that baby, who she was convinced was me. She also said that the nurses brought her children’s clothes and equipment so that the abandoned baby had everything – Maja said “Večernji list BiH”, emphasizing that these are stories that there is no evidence, so these days she decided to speak. hoping someone will recognize the story and help her communicate with her birth parents.

The reason the mother left the child

He says he doesn’t ask for anything. He just wants to know why. It does not even condemn them.

– In order to say something about it, you should know the truth. You should know the reason why the mother left the child. Perhaps my father does not even know that I exist – Maja continues, convinced that someone in Sarajevo knows his origin very well.

It has lost trust in official institutions. At the Bjelava Home, which used to be called “Ljubica Ivezic,” about 10 years ago, he was told to give up the search.

– The director at that time told me not to look for my biological parents, that I did not need that, because I had a beautiful life – Maja continues.

The Sarajevo Social Work Center told him that they had no information about his biological parents. The policeman who came to pick her up in front of the kindergarten and took her to the Jezero hospital, and then again a few days from the Jezero hospital to the Home “Ljubica Ivezić”, said that the police had done their part and that further Actions and research women in that period in that area were pregnant, who gave birth, and it was assumed that no child would continue to run the Center for Social Work.

Maja never received an official report on the investigation. All this and many other facts that came to give her doubts that she really is the daughter of someone who was influential at that time. The very act of adoption supports this.

She had no idea

That is, it took less than a year for Sofia, forty-five, and Miloš, forty-two, to become full adopters of the abandoned girl. They are situated people who had good jobs and were considered wonderful people.

– They really were. I can’t wish for better parents. These people gave me all the love in the world, my family, and everything a child needs. I was raised not to judge, not to hate. I remember a situation in which I saw the program “Todo por amor” in which my daughter was looking for her mother. He found her and their meeting was recorded. When I began to condemn that mother out loud, my father told me not to do that, that he could not know his reasons why he did that – says Maja in her breath, who at that moment had no idea what would be after her family in no time.

The situation with the identification number is also interesting. Maja received her first identification number only after her adoption, which means that she was a child without an identity for a year. Then the problem arises when moving to Serbia. As soon as she got there, Maja asked for an identification card. He received the same on the basis of his Sarajevo identification number. But, a month later, he received a call from the Ministry of the Interior in which they informed him that something was wrong with his ID, that is, that it had been changed.

– They said they couldn’t find me with my Sarajevo ID number, and have already issued me a personal ID based on it. Then they changed the last three digits of my ID number, says Maja for “Večernji list BiH”.

Respect the will of the family

It also ensures that the official documentation and the stories of the people who participated in all this do not match, that is, that the dates do not match. That is, the report from the Social Work Center indicates that Maja was transferred to the emergency room, witnesses from the Jezero hospital say. The report then states that the doctor estimated that she was 20 days old at the time.

If she was found on August 17 and the doctor estimated that she was 20 days old, then why was her birth date August 7, why not July 28?

The report from the Center for Social Work, signed by director Mirsada Poturković, also does not say that Maja was admitted to Jezero hospital for a few days, while witnesses claim that she was.

– I am glad I learned this information when I was already a trained person. My father probably had reasons to take the truth with him. If she had lived, she would probably have told me everything once – Maja concludes for “Večernji list BiH”, who still hopes that someone who knows the truth will speak and help her get answers to her questions.

She asked everyone who knows anything that might help in her search to get in touch with her through social media.
