I FORGIVEN VESNI, WE WAIT AGAIN FOR THE BABY: Confession of Dragan Purić, whose daughter Luna Firulović was killed by Zoran Albić (2.5)


Because my wife Vesna Firulović (25), who was pregnant again while massacring my son, had a miscarriage in custody due to the stress of the murder of our daughter.

This is what Dragan Purić (32), from the Negotin village of Slatina, the legal husband of Vesna Firulović, who will become a father again in December, says of “Novosti”.

– While Vesna, who reached an agreement with the Prosecutor’s Office to spend the next eight years in prison, was at her home in Slatina, with a nano leg, she became pregnant again – continues Purić. – I decided to forgive her, because, after all, we are a family. So my wife got pregnant again and if all goes well, I will be a father again in December.

Today the trial continues

The trial of Zoran Albic (in the photo), accused of beating his stepdaughter Luna to death, should continue today in the SUPERIOR COURT of Zajecar. An autopsy determined up to 39 serious injuries on the girl’s body. He had bruises all over his head and a fracture on his upper right arm. He hit her with blood because she couldn’t stop crying.

Private photo archive

Purić says the law allows Vesna to keep a child in prison for two years, after which she will take care of the baby, but also her six-year-old son.

“I’ll wait for her to get out of jail, after which we’ll start a new life,” Dragan says on his breath. – It is almost certain that we will not continue living in Slatina, but we will seek happiness elsewhere. Of course, I will wait for Vesna until she completes her prison sentence. After all, we are a family.

Dragan reluctantly remembers when Vesna ran away from him and went, pregnant, to Prahovo, near Albić.

“Everything was planned in advance,” says Dragan. – My wife falsely denounced me for domestic violence, that’s why they forbade me to go near, so I couldn’t go to Prahovo and take Luna. And because of that, it all ended in an unprecedented tragedy.

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