“I FOLLOWED HIM TO THE TERRIBLE FOREST AND DELIVERED PACKAGES THERE, BUT I DIDN’T KNOW …” Tocilo alleges in court that he did not smuggle heroin and cocaine, but his ASSOCIATE SAID EVERYTHING


Mladen Novaković, alias Tocilo de Mladenovac, accused of smuggling cocaine and heroin, defended himself in court yesterday by keeping silent, saying only that he “does not want to present his defense”, that “he is not guilty” and that “he will not answer questions”. However, Velibor Cvetkov, who is accused of being part of this Mladenovac group, decided to tell everything about drug trafficking and cooperation with Tocil.

“I will use legal right to defend myself by keeping silent,” Novakovic said in the courtroom.

The only one who spoke in detail yesterday about drug trafficking was the defendant Velibor Cvetkov, who claimed that he “worked honestly all his life.”

However, he admitted in court that he was transporting packages from Nis to Mladenovac, but claimed that he did not know what they contained. He also recognized Tocila as “a person who looks like the one who delivered the packages at the Mladenovac toll ramp.”

– I am standing with a pure heart, cheeks, hands and even nails. There is not an iota of my involvement in this. She didn’t know there was something terrible about the packages she was carrying. I have never considered myself and will not consider myself a member of any group – said Cvetkov, who is accused of transporting cocaine.

Cvetkov described his “work” in detail, stating that he did not know Tocila, as well as that he did not receive any orders from him.

– For me, it is an X in a mathematical equation – he said, stating that he entered the business “like a headless fly”, all because he borrowed 2,000 euros at the interest of a man from Nis.

Mladen Novanović Tocilo
Mladen Novanović Tocilo

– The money made me get into this story. That man offered me to take him several tours to Mladenovac and pay me 150 euros per tour for that – said the defendant Cvetkov.

As he adds, when he first went to Mladenovac, the “man from Nis” gave him a package the size of a court attorney’s journal.

– He told me that when I cross the toll plaza, a man will be waiting for me. I asked him how he would recognize him and he said, “He will recognize you.” When I got there, the man in the car waved to me and I got out and followed him. We went into the forest. I entered with great fear. I’m not ashamed to admit it was creepy … I handed him the package and so on five more times – he said.

When asked by the judge if he knew who the man he gave the package to was, Cvetkov said:

– I want to be honest, precise, not be wrong. He is more like that character to me – he said and pointed to the first defendant Novaković known as Tocilo.

Heroin seized from Mladenovac's group
Heroin seized from Mladenovac’s group

Who is Tocilo?

Novakovic began his criminal career in 2008, when he was arrested for greenwashing, and only after one of his victims from a town near Mladenovac attempted suicide because he could no longer pay interest on the dollar.

In other words, at the beginning of 2007, Novaković loaned 9,000 euros to the victim, and during the following year and a half, he charged interest of up to 42,600 euros!

The debtor sold all his property due to the debt and tried to hang himself, but his rope broke. He survived and the green ball began to fall apart. Novakovic was arrested, sentenced to four and a half years in prison, but was released until the verdict was final.

He was not released from prison, but was arrested again in 2010, and was later suspected of organizing an eight-member gang that robbed gas stations, exchange houses, goldsmiths, and a vehicle to transport money from the FTO system.

The criminal group included youths from Mladenovac, Sopot and its surroundings, most of whom had not been in trouble with the law before. The looted loot was worth around 20 million dinars. Even then, the police suspected that Novaković was dealing drugs, but there was no evidence of this.

The court, again, released him from custody, although even then he was waiting for the verdict for the greening to be final.

He used his freedom to diversify the drug network in the villages of Šumadija, for which in 2012 he was arrested again …

Miroljub Stepanović, alias Mirko Ćelavi from Mladenovac and Marko Milivojević from Amerić, a former prison guard, were arrested with him, as well as three associates. They were arrested in the continuation of the action that the Smederevo police initiated by arresting five traffickers from Mladenovac, among whom were Milan Dimitrijevic, alias Bombonica, and Milos Ignjatovic, better known as Misa Konj, then a suspect and later convicted of trafficking store on the Mladenovac drug market. , Smederevo, Smederevska Palanka, Topola and Arandjelovac.

It is interesting that even then, no drugs were found near Novaković, when he was believed to be leading a criminal group, but the narcotics were with his associates.

Even after that, he didn’t decide to calm down, instead starting to trade heroin, but this time he had an even more thoughtful plan. He became the head of a criminal group, which included nine other associates, and organized and smuggled narcotics.
