I fear the end of the epidemic is far away


The director of the World Health Organization office in Serbia, Marijan Ivanuša, said this morning that the epidemiological situation is better, but that the figures on the number of people suffering from coronavirus remain high. Ivanuša, as a guest of the RTS newspaper, said he feared that the end of the epidemic was far away.

According to him, the world is still in the beginning of vaccination, but that the existence of the vaccine generates hope.

“About 50 countries have started to vaccinate so far. The highest number of vaccines per 100 people was consumed in Israel, and in Spain only one vaccine per 100 people,” Ivanuša said.

According to him, 60-79 percent of the population would be vaccinated with good herd immunity.

“Whether it will continue like this or not I don’t know, because a new type of virus has appeared in the UK that is easily transmitted. If it is easily transmitted, more vaccines will be needed, “Ivanuša said.

Ivanuša assessed that the epidemiological situation in Serbia is now better than it was, but that the number of patients is still high and many people are in hospitals.

He said he hoped the situation would calm down, because from 8,000 patients a day there are now 1,500 to 2,000, but we must not forget that about 1,000 people died last month.

The situation is serious, but it is better than it was, he said, adding that basic health care measures, masks, physical distance and hand hygiene are still in force.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.

