I expect more than 5,000 infected people, the school will not be closed


BELGRADE – Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić declared this morning that she expects more than 5,000 crowns to be infected with the virus today.

He told the National Academy of Public Administration that the data this morning at 8 o’clock was worse than yesterday at the same time. Brnabic added that at this time, there is no reason for classes to be held online in schools, stating that they will discuss further steps with crisis staff, considering that citizens are more concerned about whether kindergartens and schools will work. .

He also said this morning that preserving the economy is of great importance during the corona virus pandemic, stating that the quality of the fight against the corona virus depends on the economy. He added that if a solution is not found for the economy to work, as he stated, at least minimally, the state could not provide conditions to citizens, in the form of protective equipment, tests, respirators.

He added that it is important to provide vaccines against seasonal flu, which must be purchased more this year than in previous years. The prime minister said money for the corona virus vaccine was requested in advance, indicating that Serbia would be on “several lines” to receive the vaccine. According to him, governments around the world are still looking for the best way to respond to the crisis caused by the pandemic.


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