I EAT A LOT OF QUARANTINE AND THOUGHT IT WAS BIG! She had a stomach ache all night and in the morning she experienced SHOCK in the hospital.


Tasha Davis (28) gave birth on September 1 and gave birth to a healthy and completely unexpected son. Both she and her husband Martin (29) from Lancashire were completely taken aback by the birth.

Tasha had a stomach ache all night for reasons unknown to her. At six in the morning she went to the hospital and just an hour later she was holding her son, Aleksandar Ajzak.

photo: Profimedia

– I didn’t have any pregnancy symptoms, none. I gained a few extra kilos, but the truth is that I ate a lot due to the quarantine. This is all. In the end, she was not pregnant. The only thing I felt was that my stomach swelled 24 hours before delivery, Tasha says.

So it was bloated all night, and then before morning it got worse.

– Around three in the morning I started hyperventilating. The contractions probably started then, but you didn’t know it then. At the hospital they immediately asked me if I was pregnant and I said no.

– I had regular menstruation throughout my pregnancy. Everything was completely regular. Martin and I were in complete shock when we were told to give birth, but now we realize we couldn’t have received a better surprise, she says.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
