I doubt that he was involved in anything and that his disappearance has CONNECTIONS WITH CRIME


The family of Jovo Kecman (51), a personal trainer and gym owner from Belgrade, who disappeared in the Belgrade neighborhood of Mali Mokri Lug on September 24, suspect that there are criminals behind his disappearance. Kecman, at the time he was last seen, is alleged to be carrying a larger amount of money.

Kecman, who was a well-known instructor and trained many public figures, was lost almost a month ago, and the family sent an appeal for help through the “Missing Serbia” website.

– My son left the house on September 24 around 7 pm and told me that he was going to Mali Mokri Lug with another. He had at least 16,000 euros in his pocket. I took a loan before and borrowed some money to give it to him. He didn’t tell me why he needed so much money, and I didn’t ask him, because I trusted him. Mile Kecman, Job’s father, told “Kurir”.

Jovo Kecman disappearedPhoto: Missing Serbia / Private Archive

Jovo Kecman disappeared

He added that he was very worried about everything.

– My son did not tell me that someone was threatening him, asking for money or blackmailing him. He only mentioned once that he had a personal problem, and I related it to love problems – says Mile.

As he explains, he reported the disappearance to the police with Job’s girlfriend and lawyer.

– At first, I was confused and in a panic that he wasn’t there, I was completely lost. I told the police everything I knew. Nobody knows where my son is and I’m desperate – Mile said.

Her father said that he thought her disappearance had something to do with some girls, because Jovo was always popular with women, and that he could have gone with someone like that. However, he now suspects that he got involved in something and that this has something to do with criminals, writes “Kurir”.

Healthy life style

The father adds that Kecman liked to live well.

– He ran a gym, led a healthy life, did not take drugs and despised drug addicts, did not smoke, did not drink. However, he loved a luxurious life and always had little money, he thought he did not earn enough – he says and points out that he opens a gym with Job’s girlfriend every day, but that since he disappeared, almost no one comes to train.

Famous people trained with him

Jovo Kecman regularly posted recordings and photos of his workouts on social media, and among the clips are the workouts of model Dejana Živković, who was once in an extramarital union with Jovan Vukotić, the alleged leader of the “scalp clan” . However, the two are no longer together. His gym profile claims that he does stunts, gymnastics, and “military training.”

Dejana ZivkovicPhoto: RTV Pink / screenshot

Dejana Zivkovic

Let us remind you that, at the time of your disappearance, you were wearing a black T-shirt and grayish brown pants, according to the “Missing Serbia” website. According to the data published on this site, Jovo is 182 centimeters tall, weighs about 80 kilograms and has brown eyes.

Pentagram on Facebook

Jovo Kecman posted a mysterious message on Facebook five days before his disappearance, in which a pentagram was drawn in a circle. The message mentions, among other things, pagan deities, illusions, beliefs, honor and dignity.

– Wanting something, a person builds an illusion, based on deception, lies, interest … By giving it, he falls in love and accepts the worst qualities that are not worth it. Punishing himself for something that was a lie and accepting that he lost his dignity and honor … – was written, among other things, in this post.
