I DON’T WANT IT AND NOBODY CAN DO TO ME: Chaos on the interurban bus, the woman didn’t want to put on a mask (VIDEO)


However, individuals provoke the displeasure of other passengers with irresponsible behavior, due to waiting, everything usually ends with scenes.

This is exactly the case in the video of an intercity bus. It shows a lady without a mask reacting very sharply to the objection of a woman sitting near her who refuses to wear a mask.

– Go to the end of the bus, get off the bus. What did you wear the mask when your protection was my mask and all the infections? I’m sick and you’re infected – said the woman without a mask sarcastically.

He continues to express firm beliefs, at that time already ideological, against the use of masks.

– I know what viruses are, I know what politics is and what kind of muzzle you wear, and I don’t wear it, no one can put it on – he said.

In the aftermath, the unmasked woman persistently claims that she was attacked, while the other passenger accuses her of waiting for an argument to start. The noise was obviously annoying the people sitting around it, so at one point there was a call to tone down, after which it seemed as if the situation had calmed down.

See the video by clicking HERE.

The reactions in the comments are blunt against the noisy lady, so some have noted that it is not clear to her how the mask should protect others from the possible infection that it is transmitting. Some have noted that any older person with a chronic illness who gets into that vehicle would be in mortal danger.

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