I DON’T KNOW WHY DIVORCE ME! Jelena ended MARRIAGE a YEAR ago, so she was IMPRESSED to say what kind of musician HUSBAND was.


I DON'T KNOW WHY DIVORCE ME! Jelena ended MARRIAGE a YEAR ago, so she was IMPRESSED to say what kind of musician HUSBAND was.

Photo: Print Screen / Instagram

Singer Jelena Gerbec divorced her husband Vladan Djordjevic last year, and now admitted that she herself does not know why she made that decision, noting that her now ex-husband is very supportive.

Namely, Jelena was married for three years to her fellow musician Vladan Djordjevic, they had a daughter, Sofia, and then they decided to end the marriage.

However, after a year, the singer pointed out that there is no specific reason for their separation, and that they simply moved away.

– I had no problems in my marriage, I don’t even know why I got divorced. I had the support of my husband. Everything good that I talked about before the divorce was not a lie. He helped me with the boy, he understood my work. Obligations took us far. I spent more time with mine, then he and I were together for only two days, and then we parted again. There was a chill between us. We were in a great relationship. We haven’t lived together since July of last year, Jelena said a year after the divorce.

photo: Zorana Jevtić


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