“I DIDN’T WANT TO BE BEHIND THE BARS AGAIN” Neighbors found out what was going on in Nishlija’s apartment who JUMPED OUT OF THE WINDOW when he heard the police


The neighbors of Mladen M. de Nis, who died trying to escape from the police who came to manage his farm, have been in shock since last night because of everything that happened.

They say Mladen lived in that apartment with his mother, who never caused any problems, even though he was already in prison.

– My husband opened it and I saw the policemen on the stairs running in a hurry. The neighbor’s body was there until midnight … He probably didn’t want to go back to being behind bars. He was not a troublesome young man, a correct neighbor, he always responded, he was always nice. He lived with his mother, no party or noise was ever heard from that apartment, and it is really incredible for us what happened – says SA, one of the first neighbors of the victim Nishlija.

Mladen M. (37) died yesterday around 9:30 pm when he jumped from the third floor of a building on Dimitrovgradska Street in Nis, after the police rang the bell on his door. The police were looking for him because a warrant was issued against him, considering that he did not respond to the summons to serve a four-month prison sentence at the Leskovac prison.

– The police patrol knocked on his door last night, but he refused to open it. He threw a pack of marijuana out the bathroom window and then jumped from the third floor. The ambulance arrived at the scene, but could only declare death, according to sources familiar with this case.

It is suspected that he panicked that the police found a package in his apartment, most likely with marijuana, so he jumped through a small window in the bathroom that faces the north side, from a height of ten meters above the concrete and was killed on the spot.

An investigation will show if he was on any opioids. The police say that all details of this accident are being investigated and that the case has been reported to the Nis High Prosecutor’s Office.
