I DID NOT WANT TO FALL ALIVE IN HIS HANDS: Honor the hero Života Đurić – Bust of a pilot killed during the NATO bombing


The hero, a native of Davidovac, already has a memorial in the area of ​​the sports airport of that town, and now a monument has been erected in the center of that place at the initiative of many locals and families.

Đurić’s birthplace is located about a hundred meters from the airport, which motivated him to finish the School of Military Aviation in Mostar, and then the Academy in Zemunik near Zadar and in Podgorica.

At the time of the NATO aggression, he was the commander of the “Tigers”, a squadron of warplanes, a unit based at Lađevci airport near Kraljevo.

Đurić took off on a mission on March 25 and destroyed a KLA base in the Glogovac area of ​​Kosovo and Metohija, when he was struck from the ground, and then, under the assumption of his fellow squadron pilots, deliberately collided with a terrorist position so as not to fall into their hands alive.

Little by little he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel, leaving behind his wife and two children.

In addition to representatives of the municipality and the army, relatives and numerous locals attended the ceremony in Davidovac, and the son of the hero Aleksandar, commander of the 98th Air Brigade, General Zoran Prodanovic, deputy of Paracin Predrag Milosevic and president of the construction committee of the monument spoke Zivka Milosavljevic. The monument was inaugurated by the children of Lieutenant Colonel Zivota hijosurić, Ana and Aleksandar.

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