I DEEPLY WASH CRIMES AGAINST SERBS: Plenković at the memorial meeting in Varivode


“I am deeply sorry,” added Plenković, expressing his condolences to the families of the victims. – That is an insult to modern Croatia. These crimes cannot be justified by anything.

Plenković said that this crime was contrary to Franjo Tuđman’s call for Serbs to remain in their homes after the “Storm”.

On this day in 1995, people of Serbian nationality were killed in Varivode: Dušan Dukić (59), Špiro Berić (55), Jovo Berić (75), Jovan Berić (56), Radivoj Berić (69), Marija Berić (69) , Milka Berić (67), Marko Berić (82) and Mirko Pokrajac (84).

They were killed by shooting at point blank range at their gates.

No one was held responsible for this and many other crimes against Serbian civilians.

On several occasions in his speech, Plenković mentioned “aggression against Croatia” and asked the Croats and Serbs in Croatia to now look to the future, extending a hand.

– Croats should admit crimes against Serbian civilians that should not have occurred, regardless of the fact that Croatia defended itself from aggression, and Serbs in Croatia should admit that Croatia was attacked by Milosevic’s regime and JNA – said Plenković and He called on the Croatian Serbs to “clearly distance themselves from the politics of Greater Serbia” which, according to Plenković, many Croats suffered.

He also emphasized that Croatia had many casualties in the war “that it did not want”, and said that Vukovar and Skabrnja were the places where the greatest war crimes were committed after World War II.

– We must all take our share of responsibility – said the Croatian Prime Minister and said that Croatia, “which won the imposed war”, has the strength for that. – I would like all citizens of Serbian nationality, like Nikola Tesla, to say that they are proud of their Serbian family and of the Croatian homeland.

SNV President Milorad Pupovac spoke about numerous crimes that were committed in the vicinity of Knin after the “Storm”, and so far no one has been held responsible for them.

“No one protected the Serbian victims, their murderers were not wanted and, if they were, in the end they were not convicted,” said Pupovac.

Pupovac described the participation of Croats and Serbs in the commemorations in which both were assassinated as a movement of national responsibility and political courage.


The Croatian prime minister in Varivode said the fate of 1,869 missing persons is still unknown.

– There is no difference between the victims on any subject, and I hope that we will continue to exchange information with Serbia – said Plenković.

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