I CAN’T SLEEP TONIGHT: What the Kovid Hospital MEDICATIONS did for the deceased singer is out of RESPECT: They sent a strong message!


I CAN'T SLEEP TONIGHT: What the Kovid Hospital MEDICATIONS did for the deceased singer is out of RESPECT: They sent a strong message!

Photo: Pritnscreen / Instagram

The entire region was raided yesterday by the legendary singer Jay Ramadanvoski, who passed away on December 6, at the age of 57, in his apartment in Dorcol.

All those who loved him said goodbye yesterday in front of his apartment, and the last greeting was sent to him by the doctors, who had him in an original way.

Namely, Mladenovac’s Selters spa was turned into a kovid hospital, and medical workers in spacesuits wrote a message that caused enthusiasm.

It is part of Jay’s smash hit “Sunday”, which was performed at the singer’s funeral, but also during the gathering of friends and all who loved him at Dorcol: “I can’t sleep tonight.

photo: Pirtnscreen / Instagram

The image of hardworking medical workers has gone viral and a real hit on social media.

Let us remind you that Jay passed away as a result of a heart attack and left behind his daughters: Maria and Ana, his ex-wife Nada, as well as his partner Andrijana, with whom he has been for the last 20 years. In addition, behind him are numerous hits, which have been plowing the capital for days as a sign of the singer’s memory.

photo: Courier



photo: Pirtnscreen / Instagram

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Author: delivery courier
