“I can’t shower alone, I’m suffocating while climbing the stairs”: she recovers from kovida for a year and her life turns into hell


American Amy Durant (31) has been fighting the “long kovid” for a full year.

“I got infected on March 14 of last year, most likely in the supermarket, because I didn’t even go anywhere else. But since I was completely healthy, I thought everything would pass quickly and easily, however, that didn’t happen,” Amy he said to “Independent”.

Coronary symptoms were initially common, fever, body aches and a dry cough.

“For the first few days I couldn’t get out of bed and had no appetite, but I expected that. However, around the eighth day I started to breathe harder and felt pressure in my chest. I called a doctor who asked me if I could I would concentrate and watch TV. I said yes, to that weird question, and he said it was okay, “says Amy.

Amy has permanent lung damage after miscarriage

Amy has permanent lung damage after miscarriagePhoto: Amy Durant, independent.co.uk/Private Archive

However, as time passed, it was early April, she was getting worse. He was breathing harder and harder, so he decided to call the doctor again.

“When they heard my voice, they immediately sent an ambulance. They gave me an oxygen mask and told me to stay home because there was no room in hospitals. That oxygen helped me and I really felt better to recover quickly, so I decided get to work. However, my brain and body were so tired and exhausted that I couldn’t even sit in a chair, “says Amy.
