“I CAN’T GUARANTEE THAT …” Novak Djokovic for the first time ABOUT THE SCANDAL at the US Open! Everyone was waiting for what he was going to say, and then he said THIS!


Novak Djokovic spoke for the first time since his disqualification from the US Open, where he hit the linesman with the ball in the round of 16, about that regrettable set of circumstances and the premature exit from the New York Grand Slam.

He did it in Rome, where he came to perform there.

Asked what he thinks of the decision of the organizers of the US Open to expel him from the competition, he left no dilemma:

“The rules are clear. I accepted it and had to dedicate myself to what follows. That is what I did,” Nole told reporters in Rome.

But it didn’t stop there.

Furthermore, his following statement came as a great surprise to many:

“I cannot promise, I cannot even guarantee that something similar will not happen in my life. Of course I will try, of course I will do my best, but everything is possible in life,” said Novak Djokovic and so on. he once stressed that Laura Clark’s conjectures were extremely inadvertent.

And he dedicated the next minute to the linesman who he hit on the neck:

“I behaved irresponsibly, in that sense (sending the ball out of bounds after losing a point), but something like this could have happened before during my career, it could have happened to others. There were similar situations (turbulent reaction). And before, now it didn’t go through “falling from the sky, then on the ribs.” But I took responsibility for what I did. As for the linesman, I called Laura and asked how she was recovering. It’s good. I’m sorry that everything happened so sadly … “, said Djokovic.

He added that he will never be able to forget this Grand Slam:

“I will never be able to erase it from my memory, and I don’t want to, because I have to accept it and move on. I need this incident to become my ‘friend’, not my enemy, so that I can use that experience to become wiser.” It happened because I felt really good, with a lot of confidence. But when you hit the ball like this, there is a possibility that you will hit someone. I need to move on, but this is definitely one of the mistakes I’ll never forget, “said our ace.

He also commented on the fact that he reached the record for his idol, Pete Sampras, in the number of weeks at the top of the ATP chart:

“It is a very special feeling. I have always admired him, for his psychic strength and resistance to challenges. I have two goals left in my professional career, to surpass Roger Federer in a record number of weeks at the top of the ATP and to win so much. as possible. Grand Slams. I’m in a good position, “concluded Nole.

Video: Screams of Laura Clark
