Three years after the divorce, he hosted the morning show TV Pink Dajana Paunović She found happiness with another man who, she claims, earned it with his courage and firm character and by supporting her in her career advancement.
After finding herself in the role of moderator of the international conference “Women Leaders and Gender Equality” last year, the presenter of the morning program, Dajana Paunović, realized that she wanted to address this issue more intense in the future. Hoping to reach more women, help them overcome insecurity and achieve independence, she became a member of the Council for Gender Equality of the City of Belgrade, and as a member of those who achieved the majority of her dreams without excuses or fear, believe that you will succeed in that intention.
Along the way where new professional challenges await her, Diana has great support from her parents, her son Dušan and an emotional partner, whose identity she does not want to reveal, but admitted that she is madly in love with him. What the new candidate conquered her, if she plans to stand on the “crazy stone” with him, how she raises her son and how she copes with the new role, she revealed exclusively to magazine “History”.
Photo: RTV Pink / Jelena Simonović
You speak very passionately on the subject of gender equality, have you ever personally come across some kind of segregation?
– It is possible that there were attempts, but my temperament and self-confidence threw them into the shadows. In recent years, as a society we have come a long way in this regard and now almost half of our government is made up of women. There is still much to do, but we are on the right track. Since members of the fairer sex have been given a suitable position in the sphere of high politics, we are tasked with achieving the same at the lower levels. Through affirmative projects, changes in legislation, and public presence, I believe we can do a lot to solve deep-seated problems that will strengthen society.
It can often be seen that women, out of love for a man, consciously accept an inferior position. How can we influence love?
– I’ll speak from personal experience. While I was married, I did not work. My husband recorded professional successes and generated income, which provided me with material security. However, today when I win, I feel better. I have my own time and money at my disposal, so I need to progress. It is true that money and success cannot buy happiness, but they make misfortune much more pleasant. That is why I am in favor of the empowerment of women. I want them, in addition to materially, to be enriched in knowledge, spiritually, psychologically …
Photo: RTV Pink / Jelena Simonović
Many say that women in the fight for equality have hardened and alienated men, who are now “afraid” of approaching them, paying them a compliment … In your experience, is there any truth in that?
– An intelligent, successful and characterful man will never run away or abandon the woman he loves. If I am strong, it does not mean that I am not feminine and do not need a man. On the contrary, but it is not the only condition for my happiness. If I am not more productive, smarter with my loved one, if he feels inferior to me, then we are not for each other. My chosen one should be the wind on my back and I will be his for life. It is true, however, that sometimes I am afraid of my character, of not deviating from my attitudes and my strength – Diana pointed out to magazin history.
How did your new partner convince you?
– The man who touched my soul is more than strong, brave and intelligent. I can describe my love for him like lightning, and that emotion is reflected every day of my life.
One of the recent headlines in the media was “Dajana Paunović is on a crazy stone”. How sure is it that you will remarry, what is your attitude about marriage after a failure?
– I have not lost faith in marriage, more precisely, I have not lost faith in love. Perhaps those titles arose by accident, and perhaps because of the great amount of affection that accompanies me wherever I go. I cannot and do not want to run away from her.
You can often say that your greatest love is your son Dusan. Do you agree with your ex-husband about his education?
– We agree on almost everything, the most important thing for us is your happiness. Dušan largely chooses when and when he will be, and often the three of us are together, so that we function as one big family, which in the end we are. Zika and I cannot erase each other’s existence, nor do we want to. When we realized that we were different, we decided it was time to go our separate ways, with the mutual promise that we would always be together as friends.
Photo: RTV Pink / Jelena Simonović
Author: NV