No matter how old a man is, when his mother dies a part of his soul goes with him, and the wound is even greater if he does not say goodbye to her. This is exactly the fate that befell the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Health, Dr. Mirsad Đerlek (53), in the middle of the fight against the coronavirus.
Dr. Djerlek claims that he blames himself for his mother’s death, because he personally transmitted the virus to her when he did not yet know that he himself was infected.
Which moment of the pandemic was the most tragic for you and which was the happiest?
“The saddest event that happened to me was the death of my mother and the day I lost her for the crown. It hurts me more that I couldn’t see her. I left the Infectious Diseases Clinic at my own risk when they told me they were going to to transport to the Kragujevac Clinical Center. However, we crossed paths, she entered the red zone and our roads forked forever, I still have the impression that I killed her, I brought the crown to the family although I knew that my mother belonged to the risk group. I isolate myself, but she would not understand it. She would tell me: ‘They have caught you in your hospital, you will not come to see me’. As for the happy moments, it is definitely the birth of my grandson Khan, “said Dr. Djerlek to Objektiv.
Do you know how you got infected?
“In June I got infected in a stroke unit in Novi Pazar. I cannot claim, but it is evident that the patient had a crown when we resuscitated him. At the time, I was not thinking of myself. We were about 8 inches without protective gear. “Since it has been a few months since I contracted the virus, I must admit that I am tired and my concentration is not the same as before,” admitted Dr. Mirsad Đerlek.

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