I ASKED MYSELF THIS QUESTION AS A CHALLENGE: Dr. Conn on when schools close due to coronavirus


He, as a guest on TV Prva, said that many countries suspend classes when they are 30 percent infected, this does not apply to us, but it is estimated that all those who are sick do not come to school.

– We are talking about kovid now, as soon as someone has any mild symptoms, they stay home. I also mentioned a lower percentage because it is a more serious disease, but for now, as it is kept under control, it is fine – Dr. Conn said about school closings.

He pointed out in the morning television program “Prva” that the closure of schools is largely in line with the epidemiological situation.

Local school closure

– On the one hand, it is important what the epidemiological situation imposes and what it imposes organizational problems within the school. They are two different things. In any case, the Ministry of Education is responsible for closing schools, but this is largely in line with the epidemiological situation. We do not have the same situation uniformly throughout Serbia, if it is local, it is a special situation and the school must be closed in that territory, there is no other place, that flexibility will be difficult to provide – explained Dr. Kon .

As he emphasized, “it is clear to everyone that this will be an additional challenge where there is an urgent need to react.”

– We will monitor the epidemiological situation not only in schools, but especially there with additional attention. The general situation will be monitored, if it worsens somewhere and he makes sure to get into schools, then measures will certainly be taken so that everyone can switch to online classes. In all other cases, when it happens in the school itself, it depends on each individual situation – noted Dr. Kon.

Photo by D. Milovanović

He also said he was concerned about the high school data deficit.

– What worries me a bit is the lack of data from secondary schools, there were only two cases for the whole of Serbia. It is unlikely to be that much. I expect some improvement in supervision and that depends on awareness. Those children are close to maturity at the age of 18, which is a different relationship compared to the little ones. We should work with them to cooperate – emphasized Dr. Kon.

He said that for now, the situation remains under control.

– We are all deeply convinced of that third increase and it is almost completely certain. That’s because we act like this. If a miracle happened if everyone respected the measures, if there were no mistakes, there would be no third wave – said Kon.

Eight students in Belgrade infected with the crown

When it comes to schooling, Kon noted that due to the number of children attending classes, the education system is currently the highest epidemiological risk.

“Eight students in Belgrade were infected with the corona virus, five went to school and three did not,” Kon said.

As he said, a personal companion was infected, as well as the teacher. There are a total of 12 infected students in schools, in addition to eight in Belgrade, three are also infected in Kragujevac. He did not provide information for one.

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