I ask everyone to go to the polls, we will arrest the perpetrators, I WILL NOT ACCEPT THE BLACK MAILS OF THE OPPOSITION! (KURIR TV)


VUCIC addressed the nation: I ask everyone to go to the polls, we will arrest the perpetrators, I WILL NOT ACCEPT THE BLACK MAIL OF THE OPPOSITION! (KURIR TV)

Photo: Tanjug / Dragan Kujundzic

Tonight, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, declared that a meeting was taking place tonight near the Serbian Presidency, about 5,790 SNS supporters and 65 Dveri movements.

When we are not done with the epidemic, although it is much better, it is inadmissible to expose our citizens to danger and I want to say something that will sound strange. I am saying that I would brag, but I ask you not to meet until at least the end of May. The organizer is not SNS, but an organization, I love these people, but I know it was not responsible behavior, when it comes to the call. We want to protect health, we need unity, we know who the majority is in Serbia, it shows in the elections and not while we are still fighting the epidemic.

The President said he was pleased that MP Miladin Ševarlić ended the hunger strike and that he also called on SNS MPs to end the strike.

“I spoke to the SNS deputies, this time I ask them to end the strike. They have been on strike for 35 hours, which is not easy, especially for a lady like Sandra Bozic, and I ask her to return with the children and take care of them. ” “I will be a little sharper, I will have a conversation with Martinović tonight, I will not do a circus like anyone else. I will try to convince him on the phone, but it will not be easy because he believes in the reasons why he went on strike,” he said.

photo: Курир ТВ

Reacting to the fact that the Dveri leader started a hunger strike with a demand that the government speak to the opposition, Vučić explained that his political opponents had already rejected that conversation.

“I called a conversation so many times they refused. I invited them to a conversation on Monday, they did not want to do it again. I will not accept blackmail and threats. Violence does nothing on the political scene,” said Vucic.

President Aleksandar Vučić called on all participants in political life to campaign without violence, with respect for political opponents, regardless of political choice. He said, in his speech to the public, that the June 21 elections will be an opportunity for all citizens to express their political will, and for political parties to show seriousness and responsibility.

“Show seriousness and responsibility, show how much they care about Serbia, and win the trust of citizens through plans and programs,” Vucic said in his speech to the public.

photo: Курир ТВ

As the President of Serbia, he wished everyone good luck and success in the elections, but he also asked for two things: “First, that the electoral campaign be conducted without violence and, second, that full respect be shown by political opponents, by those who think differently. ” regardless of which option they belong to, “said Vucic.

Vučić emphasized that the person arrested was D.G. from Novi Sad, who threatened Jovana Gligorijevic of the weekly “Vreme”, asking that there be no more attacks on journalists.

photo: Tanjug / Dragan Kujundzic

The Serbian President declined to comment on the movements of the leaders of the Alliance for Serbia, nor on their opposing views regarding the recent elections.

“I do not want to use this as a tribune of the party. I am going here as President of the Republic. My job is to protect the institutions. It does not occur to me to accept blackmail from anyone, they said that someone from here or there would force me, Serbia is a free and sovereign country. I met everyone as much as I could. Elections are held when it is during that time, “Vucic explained.

photo: Tanjug / Dragan Kujundzic

Vučić also commented on the attacks on her children in certain media, which have become more frequent lately

“As for my children, I know what they are like. They are two good people and a small child of three. Ask all the people who know them what kind of children they are. Not those who hate and don’t know them, but all those who know what they are like. I’m used to attacks, all children need to protect themselves, “said Vucic.

photo: Tanjug / Dragan Kujundzic

The president commented on the “Freedom House” report on the reduction of democracy in Serbia, saying that “frivolous reading is full of inaccuracies.” However, he explained that it is a non-governmental organization that can write whatever it wants

“The funniest thing for me was that Soros’s opponents clung to that reading, and he is one of the financiers of that organization. The contradiction is clear,” he said.

Vučić also commented on the beating to SNS MP Marjan Risticević in front of the Serbian Parliament, saying he did not want to interfere with the Prosecutor’s decision.

“We have all seen what happened, the intimidation and the violence. We will see what the answer will be,” Vucic concluded.


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