I appeal to strong discipline, we must save Novi Sad together


“Dear fellow citizens, respected citizens of Novi Sad, yesterday was a very difficult day for Novi Sad in terms of newly infected fellow citizens from Kovid-19,” said Novi Sad Mayor Miloš Vučević, referring to the epidemiological situation in that city.

Regarding the situation with the crown in Novi Sad, he addressed his fellow citizens through Instagram, where he said that 73 citizens of Novi Sad received positive results in the test yesterday, and that it was something “that warns us and does not give us the right to relax. “

– The situation has not escaped control, but the figures threaten to explode and we will achieve this exponential growth, growth that can endanger the functioning of the city, and above all, endanger the functioning of the health system. That is why I ask you, I appeal to the strong discipline of Novi Sad, the conscience of Novi Sad, above all to our solidarity, I appeal to our fellow citizens aged 20 to 40 who are the most infected, to take care of their health and the health of his family, their families, parents, grandparents – said Vučević.

He pointed out that the period ahead of us will be very challenging.

– We must save the city, the city’s economy together, we must not close shops, warehouses, catering services, we must save all jobs, and to achieve this, we must be conscientious, responsible and disciplined. Please understand this as a call for a joint fight for Novi Sad to endure the days and weeks to come, and I am afraid that the period ahead will be very, very challenging, I am almost certain of that, so it is important that let us understand the messages state agencies, to respect all measures, and the City will take everything necessary, rest assured, to save the health and life of citizens and to fight for the economy and the level of all Novi Sad – said Vučević .
