I am sure that the students will listen to all the recommendations and that they will be an example of how to behave


The Provincial Secretary of Health, Zoran Gojković, said today that he does not see the danger of a new increase in the number of crowns infected with the virus, but that it is necessary to adhere to the measures.

Gojković tells RTS that there is a potential problem due to the departure of students to schools, but believes that it will be within the expected limits, noting that everything depends on respecting the measures. wear masks, wash your hands and keep your distance.

– This is a way to further reduce the number of infected. I am sure that the students will listen to all the recommendations and that they will be an example of how to behave, which is already the case with children who go to kindergartens – says Gojkovic.

Gojkovic does not see a slight increase in the number of patients on ventilators, from 36 to 40, as a worrying figure, as the number of patients in hospitals and newly discovered cases is declining.

Gojkovic said that in Serbia, 641 patients are in hospitals and that ambulances are operating normally.

– Compared with the period of six weeks ago, we have between ten and 20 percent of the examinations that we had then, which is not the result of the weakening of the virus, but the responsible behavior of citizens – emphasizes Gojković.

It states that as any hospital emerges from the kovid system, it will start accepting non-covid patients.

– As for Belgrade, whose healthcare took the biggest hit from covid hospitals, only Bežanijska kosa and Dragiša Mišović remained. As covid patients are discharged, after disinfection of the area, there will be an increase in the number of non-covid patients, Gojkovic says.

Speaking about the recent easing of the measures, Gojkovic reportedly asked crisis personnel for more concessions, but, as he pointed out, they were firm in their decisions.

ADDITIONAL VIDEO: Gojković: We are working on the development of our application to monitor contacts
