I AM NOT THE CHARACTER OF YOUR NUSIC Fierce confrontation between the minister Joksimovic and the deputy of Sulja in the parliament PRESENT THIS TO YOURSELF IN THE VOCABULAR


I AM NOT THE CHARACTER OF YOUR NUSIC Fierce confrontation between the minister Joksimovic and the deputy of Sulja in the parliament PRESENT YOURSELF IN THE VOCABULAR

Photo: Tanjug / Sava Radovanović

The Minister for European Integration, Jadranka Joksimović, discussed today with several deputies in the Serbian Parliament during the discussion on the conclusions on the presentation of the European Commission report, and told United Valley-SDA Sandzak MP Enis Imamović , that she is not the minister’s wife and addresses her as the character of Nušić.

Imamović spoke about the position of minorities in Serbia and Joksimović addressed the “Ms Minister”, to which she reacted.

– You had a misogynistic performance with me because you called me “Mrs. Minister”. I am not the character of Nusic because I am not the wife of a minister, but I am a minister. Put that in your vocabulary – Joksimović told him.

The President of United Serbia, Dragan Markovic Palma, also spoke about the European Commission report, which in a way criticized the Commission and the Member States, because, as he himself says, there are among them those who want to stop Serbia in its European way.

– If the European Commission report was correct (German Chancellor) Angela Merkel would ban German investors from investing in Serbia and 60,000 workers would not be employed in German companies working in Serbia – said Markovic.

Claiming that the opposition is complaining about the electoral conditions, Markovic asked where it is to reduce the census from five to three percent in the election year, and that the opposition behaves like a club that competed in the First Super League, and then withdrew. of the second, of the second. in the area and eventually withdrew from the competition.

– And he wants to have his delegates. So where in the world is that? asked Markovic.

He also stated that he is not a “European” and that regardless of that, he is in favor of Serbia’s entry into the EU, but without new blackmail every six months.

Markovic also said he formed a pro-European government with Ivica Dacic in 2008, when Joksimovic “was not pro-European.”

– It does not matter, but we formed a pro-European government. Since then, investors have started pouring into Serbia. My criticism was to those who promised us something, and lied to us – said the MP and leader of JS.

Joksimovic replied that she was happy to hear from Markovic, who showed that there is pluralism in thinking about European integration.

– When I listen to you, I have the impression that you are somewhat anti-European, and personally I think that you have contributed a lot to promoting the European idea by having Vienna and Paralia as good hosts and all the places you have gone with businessmen. I think it was the right path and that in practice it showed that it recognizes the value of EU membership – said Joksimović.

Jadranka Joksimović
photo: Tanjug / Sava Radovanović

The minister added that Markovic, although critical in his speech, contributed to the European idea.

She also replied that he noted that “she was not in a pro-European mood.”

– You alluded to my membership in the SRS and I will remind you that the SNS was formed on a polarized relationship within the old SRS regarding the acceptance of the Stabilization and Association Agreement. Those who created the SNS were in favor of accepting the SAA. Since 2014, Vučić and the SNS have done more for Serbia’s European future than during 10-12 years of pro-European rhetoric from those in power at the time, who essentially did not initiate any serious reform, Joksimović said.


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