HUNDREDS OF DOSES OF VACCINES FAILED: The refrigerator broke down, a huge failure in Britain.


The clinic in Northamptonshire kept 975 doses of the Pfizer vaccine, which should be kept at minus 70 degrees, reports the Daily Mail.

The clinic functions as a central center to vaccinate selected people over 80 years of age.

Some patients received the dose on Wednesday, December 16, but others were supposed to receive it on Thursday and Friday at the clinic, which worked 12 hours a day.

But patients were told Thursday that the vaccine was no longer available. It is not clear how many doses were missed.

This comes after former Health Minister Jeremy Hunt warned that available doses of the Pfizer vaccine would be consumed in January and that the new shipment should be in March, meaning the vaccination program could be halted.

A spokesman for the Pfizer company responded that new shipments of the vaccine would arrive before March, “early 2021.”

More than 140,000 Britons have already received the Pfizer Biontek vaccine, after it was approved in that country earlier this month.

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