Huge possibility of abuse, will Serbian tourists get at least 20 percent of the deal?


The tourism sector has been on the machines in recent months, and it is completely certain that a large number of agencies will fail in the next period. A Čačak agency went bankrupt on Friday and, for now, it is unclear whether tourists who paid for the arrangements will be compensated.

The insurance covers part of the agency’s arrangement and the question remains whether a part of the tourists will be compensated. When it comes to Čačak’s agency, the dilemma is whether the bankruptcy estate will be enough to pay people, but the funds will almost certainly be far from enough.

Goran Papović
Goran Papović photo: Media Center

Goran Papović of the National Consumer Organization warns that many in the tourism sector may abuse their official position.

– The settlements come to the end, there is a clear procedure when bankruptcy is declared: the bankruptcy administrator is appointed, then the bankruptcy estate, if any, first liquidates the creditors and only then the consumers … Unfortunately, experience tells us that the bankruptcy estate generally does not do it, business premises .. real estate, etc., so that consumers are left with nothing, because, among other things, the question is whether the agency paid its obligations with insurance companies, where consumers would be more or less compensated … Experience tells us that many agencies will use a bankruptcy model, and soon after another agency will open and continue working! This must be prohibited by law and punished with large fines, explains Papović.

It should be remembered that those familiar with the facts previously warned that the situation threatens tourists with receiving up to 20% of the settlement, and that some will not even be able to collect that amount.


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Author: delivery courier
