HOW TO SEARCH MILICA Your car filmed in New Belgrade, seen in the center of Batajnica with two men, found after MORE THAN 24 HOURS


Milica Grbić (25) from Batajnica, who went missing on Tuesday, October 6, was found in Batajnica this morning, the Interior Ministry confirmed.

The details of the invention are not yet known, and this is how the search for Milica went.

Seen in the center of Batajnica

She was last seen in the Shanghai neighborhood of Batajnica, where her father saw her in a store. According to witnesses, she was seen in the center of Batajnica around 8 pm in the company of two men at a fast food kiosk. The witnesses also pointed out that one of them hugged her.

The night of her disappearance, she was wearing a white dress, a black jacket, a handbag, as well as black boots, and all the documents were left at home.

Milica Grbić disappeared Photo: Private archive

Milica Grbić disappeared

At around 10 p.m., she called her mother and told her that she was going to the Progar settlement to see her boyfriend, and after that her phone was not available.

– He called his mother at 10pm and told her to get her uniform ready for the job she was supposed to go to in the morning. At that time, when his mother asked him where he was, he said he was in the center of Batajnica. After that, he didn’t call again, which wasn’t strange, because he knew he’d be out at night and coming home around midnight. When the mother woke up, she saw that Milica was not in bed, so she thought she went to work at the bakery where she started working just a week ago – the sister of the missing girl told “”.

Like the last time she heard from her mother, Milica told her cousin that night that she should meet a boy from the Progar settlement near Surčin.

He added that “around 8-9 o’clock, Milica’s boss called the family with the question why his daughter was not coming to work.

The cameras filmed the car

According to unofficial information, the cameras filmed a black Volkswagen Polo car with license plates BG 1849 UN, in which Milica was driving last night, and then all trace of her was lost.

As learned, the car was filmed in New Belgrade moving from the direction of the city towards the airport, and there is an exit for Batajnica in that direction, so it is not known for sure which direction it went further.

Love problem

A misdemeanor report was filed against NM (32) from Surčin, the ex-boyfriend of the missing Batajnica girl, Milica Grbić (25), on suspicion that he abused and tortured her.

The girl, according to “Objektiv”, also denounced him in June for blackmail, because, according to her, he threatened to publish her nude photos if he did not withdraw the report. However, the prosecutor decided that there were no elements of criminal act, so the man passed with a warning.

After the report of the disappearance, the Police had a conversation with NM at his home in Progar, who stated on that occasion that he had not seen or heard from Milica since June of this year.
