How to celebrate GLORY AS A PERSONNEL IN CRISIS? There is only ONE WAY, and for some of our citizens it means a NEW MEASURE


As the glory period approaches, epidemiologists warn that special care must be taken because the virus spreads more easily indoors, which certainly comes to us from fall and winter. That is why it is called for the celebration to be held exclusively in the family circle, which is basically the purpose of the celebration, and it is even risky to invite those closest to them if they do not live in the same home.

Epidemiologist Dr. Sonja Novak says for “Blic” that any type of meeting is risky when it comes to the virus, that it is very important to be careful in every way, which means that it is not recommended to gather people indoors, especially without protective masks.

It’s even risky if grandpa and grandma came

– We are facing a period of glory, people are going to celebrate, of course, but we must not forget that the virus is there and that it is necessary to always keep it in mind. Certainly your guests won’t be sitting around the house wearing masks and came to the celebration, so it is advised that you be as restrained as possible this year and celebrate the celebration with your family. It is even risky if a grandfather or grandmother comes, who does not live in the same household, so it is important to refrain from such activities and you will not make a mistake if you celebrate the glory just like that – says Dr. Novak.

And then comes the New Year, Christmas …

The celebration is followed by New Year’s Eve, Christmas, and then we can expect the return of people from abroad, but also the desire to relax and celebrate. As epidemiologists have repeatedly announced the arrival of the second wave at the end of the year and the beginning of the next, it will be necessary to increase caution to the maximum in that period.

– Regarding the reception, we celebrate every year in the open air, in the squares, which is good to do this year if there is an organization. We must not forget that the virus is circulating, that it is there, and winter is the ideal time for respiratory infections. The year is as it is and you have to be restrained. Christmas is approaching later, the holiday is celebrated in the family circle, and when it comes to going to church, be sure to wear a mask both in other closed rooms and in church. My advice is to choose a time when there is no crowd. Caution and respect for epidemiological measures are necessary in fighting infection, says Dr. Novak.

As announced, vaccination against seasonal flu should begin in October, and it is now more necessary than ever to prevent the combination of two infections, Covid-19 and seasonal flu.

What epidemiologists constantly point out is that the measures will be adjusted according to the epidemiological indicators in force, and what we will need during the winter is the maximum protection in the form of masks, distance and certainly greater hygiene, both in homes and in places of job.

New measures for guest workers ahead of glory season

Epidemiologist and Crisis Staff member Dr. Predrag Kon stated that this period of glory will come soon, which will also condition the arrival of guest workers, and the question arises as to whether we will stay well even then.

Dr. Predrag Kon Photo: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Dr. Predrag Kon

– The question on all the questions is what it will be like when the celebrations begin. There will be adequate supervision for those coming from abroad during the celebrations. It’s risky and, like before Easter, there will be a huge influx of our people, Kon said.

At the moment, as you say, the situation is favorable, and now we do not have critical cities. He adds that the virus activity is at a low level, but we cannot say that it has weakened.

– The results themselves show that we are still disciplined. I am the only one who mentions the punishment, but the punishments serve to ensure the implementation of some measures – added Dr. Kon.

VIDEO: How the coronavirus spreads while people sing
