HOW TO CELEBRATE Epidemiologists and priests share the same vision, these are 7 KEY RULES for a safe celebration


How to celebrate Saint Nicholas during the pandemic, the largest baptismal holiday in the country, is a question that torments almost all citizens because “half of Serbia celebrates and half goes to glory.”

If there is something good for teaching and learning during the terrible covid pandemic, it is that for San Nicolás we will return to the celebration of baptism in our homes and that respecting epidemiological measures we will not give more importance to the holidays than to the basic elements of celebration: and wine. The Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) and epidemiologists agree.

Holy Water

Prota Stojadin Pavlović, Director of the Patriarchal Administrative Office with forty years of experience in religious service, warns all believers to keep the kovid pandemic in mind when celebrating their baptism.

– Due to the crown this year, priests and parishioners or candle makers celebrating baptism have more intense communication. Thus, the priests called their parishioners 15 days before the celebration to agree on whether and when to go to their home to consecrate the water. Additionally, they agree if and when they will bring wheat, candles, cake, and wine to church for consecration. In order not to create crowds in the church, parishioners can schedule an appointment for the consecration, explains Pavlović for “Blic.”

However, as he says, because of the coronary virus pandemic, priests do not insist that holy water be consecrated in the home and solemn wheat, cake, candle and wine be brought to church.

One person to bring a cake for several families.

– Many have sick relatives or relatives in the hospital, many are afraid or simply cannot do it. That is why there is the possibility that, for example, a younger person could bring slave wheat to a church for several families, as was the case in remote villages. Of course, there is a blessing if a family member or close relative reads a prayer and breaks a cake in the house with a censer and a candle, Pavlović emphasizes.

Our interlocutor emphasizes that it is especially important that the number of guests is reduced in accordance with epidemiological measures. As a reminder, it is forbidden to gather more than five people inside.

– That is why the host can celebrate the glory in several periods in two days and that there are no more than five guests in those periods. But what is for science, instruction and benefit is that Serbs return to the traditional Orthodox celebration of glory in their homes. That he will not turn the glory into a party and will give more importance to the parties in relation to the basic elements of glory: the party candle, the cake, the grain and the wine. He will not celebrate glory in a restaurant with 150 guests, which is by no means in the spirit of faith: Pavlović clarifies and adds that the Serb celebrated glory at all times and wherever he was, even in the trench.

Consciousness is the most important

Crisis staff members also draw the public’s attention to all the dangers of the arrogant celebration of Baptism.

– In this situation, it is clear that everything is in the hands of some conscience. However, each celebration should be such that there is no infection, says Dr. Predrag Kon.

His colleague, Professor Branislav Tiodorović, invites Saint Nicholas to be celebrated as Arandjelovdan is marked.

Stroge grouper

– However, the measures were respected for the glory of the Holy Archangel Michael. It was celebrated, above all, in the family circle. The one who celebrated it the most, immediately had the consequence, after five to seven days, that they all fell ill. There are such cases. Both the host and the guests were in big trouble, Tiodorović emphasized.

As he says, for Saint Nicholas, the meeting should be only family.

– For Arandjelovdan, we did not realize that it was held in taverns, restaurants … Now it is absolutely necessary to continue like this. It is very important to be only family and with respect to strict measures, with distance. The room should be adjusted so that everyone is within a meter and a half distance, so that those who prepare the food maintain good hygiene – advises prof. Dr. Tiodorović adds that people should not be told not to celebrate the glory because it is “our tradition that is preserved”.

Control and coffees

Epidemiologist Radmilo Petrović advocates greater control over Saint Nicholas.

– A greater number of inspectors should come to check whether the prohibition of gathering a greater number of people is respected. They shouldn’t go door-to-door, but all local communities are known to have “held big celebrations” in previous years. Before, it was held in taverns, now they will not work, but just in case, the inspectors also control those facilities – Petrović said.

Fines of up to 150,000 dinars

Whoever organizes a party or celebrates with more than five people inside risks a fine of 50,000 to 150,000 dinars, based on the reforms to the Law on Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases, which entered into force on 13 November. The culprit of this violation can be reported to the communal inspection or communal militia by the citizens themselves.


  • celebration in the family circle
  • celebrate two days, in multiple terms
  • up to five people in a quarter
  • a family member to read the prayer
  • no celebrations for restaurants
  • gathered to keep their distance
  • frequent room ventilation

VIDEO: A funny statement from an old man when asked about glory in the middle of the crown.
