HOW TO BEHAVE DURING THE EARTHQUAKE! Three rules are the key, and this is what to avoid at all costs


Many citizens wonder what to do in such circumstances. According to the authorities of the Emergency Situations Sector of the Ministry of the Interior of Serbia, there are three mandatory rules that you must follow in the event of an earthquake:

  • Do not panic
  • Don’t try to run
  • Get down on the ground and protect your head

There is a “guide” on the Home Office website, which explains in detail how you can best protect yourself, depending on where you are.

If there is a minor earthquake, which may be an announcement of other, much more serious earthquakes, there are a number of procedures by which you can reduce the potential damage. They are also on the MUP website.

If you are at home, it is best to seek shelter in safe places in the house such as: door jambs, load-bearing walls, a place under the table, sturdy furniture and stay there for the duration of the earthquake, or cover your face and head with your hands and take refuge in the corner of the interior walls. bidder. Stay away from glass, windows, exterior walls and doors and anything that could fall, such as chandeliers or shelves. If you are in bed, squat down next to the bed and protect your head.

If you are outside, stay away from street lights, power lines, and buildings. Know that your greatest danger is near buildings, at exits, and along external walls. If you are in the street, be careful of objects that can fall on you, such as chimneys, tiles, broken window glass and the like. Protect your head with your hands or a bag.

If you are in a car at the time of the earthquake, stop the vehicle, if the situation permits. Avoid stopping near buildings, trees, overpasses, or power lines. Proceed with caution when the earthquake stops. Avoid roads, bridges, or ramps that can be damaged in an earthquake.

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