How the plan for unusual marijuana smuggling failed: a broken paraglider buried Serbian drugs in the woods, hiding in a well | Chronicle


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May 13, 2020 12:19 PM |

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How a well thought-out plan to paraglide 18 kilograms of drugs across the border failed

The prosecutor’s office in Csongrád, Hungary, brought an indictment against three people who attempted to smuggle 18 kilograms of marijuana from Serbia to Hungary on a paraglider. One of the gang members was arrested shortly after crossing the border with a paraglider, because due to a malfunction of his motorcycle, the paraglider crashed in the woods not far from the village of Tisasiget.

Although the media initially reported that he was a Serbian citizen, it turned out that a Hungarian ZM citizen, who lives in the border area, crossed the border and that our citizens helped him carry out this unusual smuggling.

In other words, the three accused of drug smuggling have known each other for a long time and worked together at a company in Szeged. Using their knowledge, but also their resources and love for paragliding, they agreed to smuggle drugs across the border in a very unusual way.

Since May 2018, the team crossed the Serbian-Hungarian border multiple times to find suitable terrain to take off or land. In the end, they decided that the action would take place near Horgos. According to the Hungarian media, the smugglers traveled to Novi Sad in August of the same year, where they acquired 18 kilograms of marijuana, which they packed in a black bag. They left the drugs in a hiding place not far from the border, and then crossed to Hungary.

Then, after two days, they traveled back to Serbia and transferred the drug near the take-off location and hid it there. Then they returned to Hungary again.

They waited two weeks and then, on August 30, they traveled to the starting point near Horgos. There they prepared a paraglider and waited for the darkness to fall. Around 8 pm, one of them boarded a motorized paraglider, which was full of drugs and crossed the Serbian-Hungarian border. However, shortly after crossing the border, the engine started running. The pilot somehow managed to retrieve it, but after a few tens of meters, the engine started again and then died. The paraglider crashed in the forest about 600 meters from the border area, in the forest near the town of Tisasiget.

Everything broken hid drugs

The man, although seriously injured in the fall, as a result of which his tail bone was broken, gathered enough strength and began hiding the drugs in the forest. Border police soon arrived, and the criminal tried to hide in a well he found among the trees. However, the police soon found him and transported him to the hospital. The drug was not found then.

Readjte i: Film smuggling: Serbian paragliding drugs across the border, crashed in Hungary (PHOTO)

At dawn, the police returned to the scene of the accident and began combing the forest. Hidden marijuana was soon found.

Two years after this strange smuggling, an indictment has been filed against the trio of paragliders, accusing them of smuggling large amounts of drugs and illegally crossing the state border.

