How the epidemic changed us all, ON THE OUTSIDE AND INSIDE


The epidemic is not only a health problem, but also an economic, psychological, social one, and as such it has created a global problem. Case by case, one got sick, two, three, the numbers kept coming, a state of emergency was declared, and that was the beginning of our fight. Although at first it seemed to us that Covid-19 would not stay with us for long, six months later, the fight was still going on.

In recent years, many leading world economists have attempted to identify the risks and possibilities of a new global economic crisis. At times, it seemed as if there was an unprecedented global contest on this topic, because in the past, those who succeeded in this became famous and highly sought after. What happened to the emergence of the corona virus as a global threat almost surpassed worst-case scenarios, Professor Dragan Stojanović, a doctor of economics, told “Blic”.

– In an extremely short period of time, our lives have changed dramatically. In a situation where people and their health were seriously threatened, almost no industry suffered no significant shocks. The question was no longer if there would be damage, but how much would it be and if it would be possible and how to repair it. What could be seen immediately is that despite the great impact that the epidemic had on our entire society, there was no serious shortage. The market was well supplied even at a time when strict isolation measures were in place, says Professor Stojanović.

Defense of the economy

According to him, what is important in such situations is the first reaction and the willingness of the State to defend the economy, employment and preserve some kind of standard.

– The moment of such a crisis is when we need to show solidarity in every way and help the sectors that are especially in danger. A few months after the package of measures, the credit rating of our country, which is evaluated by the relevant world agencies, has not been disturbed. This is of great importance because it shows the degree of confidence in our economy from a detailed objective analysis. It has its practical importance because it also affects the price of loans by the economy and citizens. In plain English, what has been done in previous years in the realm of how our economy works is now being tested, says Professor Stojanović.

Prof. Dr. Dragan StojanovićPhoto: private archive / RAS Serbia

Prof. Dr. Dragan Stojanović

The development of the situation depends on many factors and, above all, on our preparation, but also on the duration of the epidemic.

– Economists disagree on estimates of the speed of recovery for the world and individual national economies, which is understandable because it is influenced by a large number of factors. This perception is very important for all economic entities that the State wants and can help, which I also expect from the banking sector. On the other hand, entrepreneurs cannot expect that all their problems will be solved by the State and they must be aware that they must take whatever measures are within their means. Retraining workers in certain sectors that are most at risk can help. Furthermore, I am sure that projects that promote innovative solutions and accelerate the generation of new jobs would be highly desirable at this time. The education sector can also contribute significantly to the realization of these goals, which should encourage the drafting and implementation of such projects with the economy, believes Professor Stojanović.

Influence on the psyche

The pandemic caused insecurity and concern and, so to speak, overnight changed our more or less stable pattern of life functioning, explains prof. Blic. Dr. Bojana Dimitrijevic, specialist in medical psychology.

– What we believed until yesterday was healthy for us and to protect us from diseases, not only turned out to be a mistake, but the information continues to change, months after the announcement of the pandemic, explains Professor Dimitrijević.

As our interlocutor explains, it is known that anxiety brings with it an intensely unpleasant sensation that is sometimes extremely difficult for a person to handle, since it is based on excessive worry and the expectation that something bad will happen.

– People who before the pandemic were already more inclined to react to stressful situations and in crisis with anxiety, in this situation they certainly reacted even more intensely, in their own way. In addition, some, along with anxiety, experienced panic attacks as an even more complex clinical manifestation, which is accompanied by the feeling that a person is going to die, that they lose their minds, that they lose control over their actions and fear. to have a heart attack. These phenomena represent the expected response in a crisis, which does not have to represent weakness and imbalance of the personality, but can be situational and transitory, after which most of those who experienced them regained balance and the capacity for self-control – says Professor Dimitrijevic.

Although we can objectively talk about PTSD only months and years after the threatening events, some countries have already conducted research on the post-traumatic effects of Covid-19. Immediately after the onset of the pandemic, a series of investigations related to the mental health of the population at the time of the pandemic were also carried out in our country.

– The largest number of results indicates that between 5% and 25% of the population will have longer-term consequences than the pandemic, which some even call “Covid syndrome.” Practice shows us that clients seeking psychological help during a pandemic only sometimes cite fear based on the dangers of a pandemic as a symptom they complain about. Most clients come with many other, we would say problems from everyday life, which seem to have grown and intensified, explains Professor Dimitrijević.

New work systems

Working and working from home are also circumstances that in many cases have caused changes in normal relationships and relationships, for some it was favorable and for many it was unfavorable and dysfunctional.

– In these changes, people who mainly had better adaptive capacities, as well as those who had fewer challenges and changes, experienced fewer situational psychological disturbances. Those who already had difficulty adjusting, exposed to new subjective and objective circumstances, often experienced a large drop in functionality, decreased self-confidence, restlessness, dissatisfaction, feelings of ineffectiveness, helplessness, uncertainty, and anxiety. Maintaining and developing a social network and an experience of active belonging contributes to making us feel more secure, needed by others, emotionally involved and diminishes the experience of powerlessness, futility and exclusion. All of this was compromised during the pandemic, so it is not surprising that people in various ways try to circumvent the rules of social distance or continue their social life with changed communication modalities, explains prof. Dr. Bojana Dimitrijevic, specialist in medical psychology.

Without a social life

The epidemic is mainly a social problem, it is logical that society has changed, explains the sociologist professor of “Blic”. Dr. Nikola Božilović.

– Everything is different, the relationships between people are different, people moved away from each other during the epidemic, you no longer have closer contacts, and if you do, they are no longer so close because they are based on fear. You cannot go to the bishop, to a concert, to a family show, and without the spirit, without culture, a man is no longer a man because he is determined by culture. There is no social life, you are forced to live with your family, because you feel safer there and those are big changes, explains Professor Božilović.

Everything changes in the epidemic, from politics, priorities, social and economic relationships, to everyday things. Depending on how the new situation is accepted, where it is and on what social scale, the outcome of the struggle may depend, not on health, but on the economic, psychological and social.

– The epidemic is for some a mother, for others a stepmother, someone will lose there, someone will win. The lower social strata do worse in such cases, while these others find it much easier to cope. However, it all depends on what aspect we observe, there are also positive elements, but there are more negative ones. Fake news, various groups such as anti-vaxers, a layer of uneducated people comes to light, who like to stand out and seize the opportunity, explains Professor Božilović.

The epidemic has definitely changed us in terms of responsibility.

– We have become more responsible for our health, we are re-examining ourselves and our actions, and we will see what we get out of all this and if we will forget what happened to us and continue as before, says Professor Božilović.

Athlete problems

Unlike other people, athletes have an additional problem and that is that they are preparing to endure great efforts. Stopping training or taking breaks from work can negatively affect your fitness and health. And above all, injuries. Not only do they not allow you to make a result, but they also take you off the field, one of our best volleyball players of all time, Vladimir Vanja Grbić, told “Blic”.

– At the World Volleyball Federation, we have established an assistance fund that will help players, especially beach volleyball players, to get through this period. Players in the arena had no tournaments, income, sponsors canceled them … In volleyball, the situation is such that the players received between 20 and 50 percent less, which is a significant figure. That’s what the funds are for, to fundamentally and decisively help those who need them, says Grbić.

Vanja Grbić: Children’s sport? It is possible with caution and measures.

Until the vaccine comes, life is on hold, but do kids who play sports have time to wait? However, with a good organization, respect for measures, training sessions and matches are possible without contagion, at least among young people.

Photo: Zoran Lončarević / RAS Serbia

– I have a camp for children from 8 to 20 years old. Last year I had 840 children in Sokobanja, this year we had 303, we worked three shifts, last year there were five. Our organization is such that we always have a doctor with us, mandatory disinfection, hand washing, mandatory examination, barrier. We didn’t get any infections from so many children. In this way, the children not only had a sports activity, but also learned to protect themselves from the crown, with which we will have to live and work until further notice, concludes Vanja Grbić.

Dimitrijevic: a challenge for marital relationships

One of the surprising changes relates to marital and family relationships and associations, which have been exposed to a great test of resistance and quality since the beginning of the pandemic, and especially during quarantine and direct family members with each other. .

Photo: Private archive

– Even if people were grouped in ranks under the danger posed by the pandemic, if those mutual relationships did not have the quality of real commitment, good communication, trust and support, most of them faced great challenges. However, not all the changes were for the worse; For some, it was enough to face a threatening situation, then reconsider their hierarchy of priorities and conclude that they care more about the people in their immediate surroundings than they previously thought, notes Professor Dimitrijevic.

VIDEO: How the crown enters human cells
