How Professor Kavčić, with the help of his father Bill Gates, defeated “Marvel” in court


Professor Kavčić made a revolutionary discovery in the field of reading magnetic media records. He graduated from the Belgrade Gymnasium of Mathematics, began his studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, but due to circumstances, he graduated in Düsseldorf, Germany. He received his Ph.D. in the United States, where he taught at Harvard, Hawaii, Texas, as well as Hong Kong.

On the “Tako stoje stvari” show in February 2018, he talked about how he came to the discovery that made a revolution in the IT industry, why his PhD was delayed for that, and how it paid off in the end.

His mentor, Professor José Moura, was key throughout history and is the co-author of the patent. The two shared with Carnegie-Mellon University at the time the highest compensation for the technology patent obtained in the US court.They settled with the defendants and were represented in the dispute by the law firm, whose founder is the father of Bill Gates.

Professor Moura was president of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers односно IEEE), a non-profit association dedicated to technological development and the promotion of technological innovations related to electronic devices. The number of members exceeds 400,000 in some 175 countries. The organization is based in New York, USA.
