How much did the coronavirus epidemic reduce car sales in Serbia?


In the first 11 months of 2020, eight percent fewer used cars were sold than in the same period last year.

When it comes to new vehicles, that percentage is significantly higher.

From January to November this year, sales of new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles fell 25 percent compared to the first 11 months of 2019.

Second-hand car imports fell by seven percent

The new situation also affected the importation of used cars.

According to data from the Office of Statistics of the Republic, seven percent fewer used cars were imported from January to October than in the same period in 2019.

The decline in imports was especially pronounced in the first half of the year, stabilizing only in the summer months. From July to October, 49,919 used cars were imported and during the same period last year 38,797 used cars.

Second-hand market recovery

From January to November this year, 128,121 were registered or sold in Serbia for the first time, which is eight percent less than the previous year, when the figure was 139,383 for the same period.

After a drastic drop in sales during the state of emergency and the first wave of the epidemic, the used car market rebounded.

Since June, there have been higher used car sales than in 2019. This market recovery was also expected because it is questionnaire, what is the site “Used cars” Conducted during the state of emergency among customers, it showed that the largest number of customers did not give up on the planned purchase of a car, but rather postponed that purchase.

However, the good sales results in the second half of the year did not compensate for the drop in sales since the first.

To what extent the epidemiological situation affects customer behavior is shown by the used car sales data in November. In October, more than 15,000 used cars were sold and in November, that number dropped to 10,590.

Weaker new vehicle sales

When it comes to new vehicles, as opposed to used ones, the drop in sales is much more pronounced. In the first 11 months, new passenger and light commercial vehicle sales fell 25 percent.

The drop in new car sales was very pronounced in March and April, in the months when new car importers traditionally post good sales results, mainly due to the auto show, which was canceled this year.

For example, in March 2019, 2,929 passenger and light commercial vehicles were sold, while in the same month of 2020, almost half were sold, that is, 1,519 units.

In April, the drop in sales was even more drastic. Up to 4,258 new vehicles were sold in April 2019, and in April this year only 1,042 new passenger and light commercial vehicles.

However, even after the lifting of the state of emergency, buyers’ interest in new vehicles did not reach the level of last year. From May to November, 17,162 new vehicles were sold and, in the same period last year, 20,752 new vehicles.

What was bought more?

When it comes to used cars, in 2020, the majority of used cars were bought or sold between 2005 and 2007, followed by those produced in 2004 and 2008.

This year, as in previous years, most customers were looking for used cars with a diesel engine. Up to 71 percent of those sold are diesel engines and 26 percent are gasoline.

In addition, the best-selling cars are with Euro 3 (42%) and Euro 4 (32%) engines.

The best-selling used car brands are: “Volkswagen”, “Opel”, “Peugeot”, “Audi” and “Renault”.

Regarding new cars (data for the first 11 months of 2020), the best sellers were “Skoda” (3,446), followed by “Fiat” (1,907), “Renault” (1,717), “Toyota” (1,242) and “Hyundai” (1,131).

Most customers chose the following models: “škoda octavia”, “rena clio”, “fiat type”, “škoda fabia”, “fiat 500L”, “opel astra”, “škoda superb”, “dacia sandero”, “toyota jaris” “and” Hyundai Tucson “.

Unlike used buyers, new buyers were more interested in gasoline-powered cars with only 0.15 percent of buyers opting for an electric car.

The craze for two-wheelers

The new situation due to the coronavirus epidemic has obviously influenced a number of citizens to change their habits, so since the abolition of the state of emergency there has been a large increase in sales of new mopeds, and especially new motorcycles.

Compared to the previous year, in the first ten months of this year, sales of mopeds increased by 12 percent and those of motorcycles by up to 69 percent.
