HOW MANY NON-WORKING DAYS DO WE HAVE UNTIL THE END OF THE YEAR Today is a national holiday, we have a total of 13 and two times less than some countries


Today, November 11, is a national holiday – World War I Reconciliation Day, which is also the last national non-work holiday this year.

This calendar year, looking at the Labor Law, there were a total of 13 vacations in our country.

  Photo: Shutterstock / RAS Serbia

We started on January 1 and 2 on the occasion of New Years Eve, and then on January 7 when we celebrated Christmas and continued into February when Statehood Day was celebrated.

Statehood Day is celebrated on February 15, 16, and 17, but considering that this year the 15th and 16th “fell” for the weekend, this time the break was actually Monday.

Unfortunately, what many want on non-business days, and how it sometimes happens that non-business days for the celebration of Holy Week can be combined with the days for the celebration of May 1, so that a total vacation is made, This time it was not like that. The non-working days of April at Easter were April 17, 18, 19 and 20, days from Friday to Monday. The next breakdown was felt by employees on May 1 and 2, Friday and Saturday, when Labor Day was celebrated.

The catering facilities and shops will be mostly open tomorrow.

Some rest 25 days a year

In addition to the weekend off, when the day of the celebration of baptism is added to the total, it would seem that there are many days off. However, the situation is different if we compare it with some other countries where it is celebrated for up to 25 days.

For example, Sri Lanka allows its workers to celebrate 25 days, and for example, Cambodia moved ahead with a total of 28 days last year, while in 2020 it reduced that number, so it now has “only” 22 non-working days .

According to data from the portal “Office Holidays”, it can be concluded that citizens of Cyprus do not have a small vacation because they have 15 non-working days per year. It is also interesting that Spain only has eight non-business days that apply to the entire country, but many parties are celebrated in particular regions and cities.

When it comes to our region, we are back in the middle. There will be 11 non-working days in Croatia in 2020, and Montenegro regularly leads with 14 non-working days.
