How long does immunity last after lying down and how long after vaccination? – Society


“During this third wave, 95 percent of the patients have a mild clinical picture or are only asymptomatic, while five percent of the patients had a more severe clinical picture and some of them ended up on ventilation,” explains Petrovic.

He adds that we are far from a favorable situation, but that, as he says, we could find ourselves in a more favorable situation around Sretenje.

“We are still far from a favorable situation, however, it is true that we are already in the descending arm of this third epidemic wave and we hope, if this trend continues, that we can enter a more favorable situation around Sretenje, and already in March we can say that we are in a favorable situation ”, explains Petrović.

Speaking of vaccination, it states that 31,673 people have been vaccinated in Vojvodina since December 24.

To the question: how many more citizens need to receive the vaccine to be relatively calm? He states:

“To be absolutely peaceful, we need 95% of the population to be immune, to be relatively calm, it means that we don’t have epidemic waves, we need to have immunity of around 70% of the population.” Our estimates indicate that until the start of the third wave in Vojvodina, that percentage was around 16.5, nationwide, colleagues in Belgrade estimated that percentage at around 20 percent ”, explains the director of the Institute of Vojvodina Public Health in Novi Sad.

However, as he himself says, in this third wave, five to eight times more cases were registered in relation to the total number of patients before, so it is estimated that this naturally acquired immunity is much higher.

“And we estimate that 20 percent of the vaccinated population, which is around one and a half million vaccinated, will suffice for us to reach that 70 percent,” explains the director of the Vojvodina Public Health Institute in Novi Sad .

According to RTS, Petrovic, speaking of the immunity of vaccinated people, states that it differs in relation to whether it was acquired naturally or with a vaccine.

“When the immunity of those vaccinated is in doubt what we know, and we only know about the Pfizer vaccine at this time, it is measured to last six months.” It is expected to last longer. With the Chinese vaccine, we expect immunity to last more than a year after the second dose, ”explains Petrovic.

As an example, he cites the test results of several healthcare workers a week after receiving the Pfizer vaccine.

“Yesterday, we tested several healthcare workers who received the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine one week after vaccination and compared it to the antibody level in patients in December, and I can confirm that the new antibodies are six to seven times higher in those vaccinated with Pfizer Vaccine. Than in those who have contracted the disease. The literature says that it can be 20 times higher, “says the director of the Vojvodina Public Health Institute in Novi Sad.

Speaking of naturally acquired immunity, he states that its duration depends on the clinical picture of the patients.

“When it comes to those who acquired immunity naturally after the disease, unfortunately, the duration of immunity is proportional to the severity of the clinical picture of the patients. So, in those who had a more severe clinical picture, we hope that immunity will last one year or more, and in those who are asymptomatic, it is estimated, at least according to the professional literature, that this immunity lasts up to 60 days. Therefore, it is recommended that those who contracted the virus receive a vaccine one month after the illness ” Petrovic explains.

He calls on citizens to get vaccinated because, as he himself says, it is the only way to stop the infection.

“How spring awaits us will depend on the level of herd immunity we achieve.” I would ask citizens to get vaccinated, because it depends on how quickly we return to normal life, “concluded the director of the Vojvodina Public Health Institute in Novi Sad.
