HOW HEALTH CENTERS WORK NOW Kovid ambulances will no longer work until 10 p.m., and this is how other tests and instructions work.


With the abolition of the state of emergency, many measures and rules were abolished, although the keys on distance, masks, gloves and hygiene are still valid, and what is most worrying is how your visit to a general practitioner will be now, more precisely, if health centers now work normally?

According to information received by “Blic” from the Ministry of Health, the kovid ambulance in health centers will continue to work for all those who have infections and respiratory problems, therefore, all patients will report there first to assess if it is a corona virus. or something else if they have this symptom.

However, as they indicated, instead of the current working hours of the Kovid Outpatient Clinic, it was until 10 p.m. M. Every day, they will work fewer hours and receive these patients until 5 p.m. M.

According to the Ministry of Health, what will work the longest are outpatient clinics in health centers intended for all other patients, mainly for instructions and emergencies.

– After the lifting of the state of emergency, the health centers will work normally, as well as before the state of emergency until 8 pm. Emergencies will come without an appointment, and the rest with an appointment with selected doctors, the Ministry of Health told us.

What is still unknown is when this practice will begin in full, but according to them, secondary and tertiary centers should soon release their capacities for other patients.

General practitioners have yet to be informed of how they will function in the coming period, which they say is understandable, as there are still many patients in Kovid’s hospitals.

ClinicPhoto: Milos Petrovic / RAS Serbia

– Already today, there were many patients with requests to be scheduled for specialized examinations in hospitals, but something like this is not yet possible, as long as the hospitals we refer to are mainly intended for patients with greedy infection. We will know everything in the next period, so patients should be patient for a few more days, says Branka Grujić, a general practitioner at the Zvezdara Health Center.

Most importantly, patients who attend regular health centers still need to comply with all protective measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Loncar: No rush to close Kovid hospitals

The dynamics of closing temporary hospitals and greedy hospitals will depend on the number of patients with covid -19, Health Minister Zlatibor Loncar said today, adding that all patients will receive the same treatment, both those infected at the beginning of the epidemic and those infected today.

He stressed that the closure of Kovid’s hospitals will not be rushed, that follow-up exams will be scheduled for all cured patients who had more severe forms of the disease, severe pneumonia.

We want to send them to the end, because we don’t know what consequences the disease will leave, how these patients will react to the next cold, Zlatibor Lončar told journalists in Belgrade.

He adds that it is not known what the results will be after the measures are relaxed, if the number of infected people will increase, because that depends on the responsibility of each individual.

Zlatibor LončarPhoto: Dragan Kujundžić / Tanjug
Zlatibor Lončar

– The dynamics of closing Kovid hospitals and returning to the old working system will depend on the number and condition of the patients. When all patients are cared for, we enter the ordering phase, cleaning the hospitals and returning to the old ones, he explains.

He notes that the purpose of temporary hospitals, which care for patients with no symptoms or a milder clinical picture, is not to infect other members of the patient’s family, but also to control the patient’s condition.

“If it gets worse over time, we can see that, we can transfer it to the hospital,” he said.

– Caution must be great. We should not allow someone to enter from some access point, so that they come with a stronger virus, with a mutation, some other type. I’m just begging you not to relax. We can do everything, but be responsible with ourselves and with others, added the minister.

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