Hoti: We will respect the agreement on the Union of Serbian Municipalities – Politics


Kosovo Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti told members of the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee today that the agreement reached in Washington complements the ongoing dialogue in Brussels, under the auspices of the EU.

Hoti: We will respect the agreement on the Union of Serbian Municipalities 1Photo: EPA-EFE / VALDRIN XHEMAJ

“During the last week, we reached an agreement in Washington, which we have been working on for some time, and that is a big step towards a comprehensive agreement (with Serbia). We call it the agreement on economic normalization, because it is mainly about economic issues. “I think the agreement complements the dialogue that is taking place in Brussels,” he said.

Hoti also said that Kosovo would respect the agreement on the Union of Municipalities with the Serb majority.

“In the last round of talks with Serbia in Brussels, two main issues were opened: the issue of the Union of Municipalities with a Serbian majority and the financial claims between the two countries. “We signed an agreement on that community in 2015, and we are not trying to escape from that agreement in any way, we will fully respect it,” he said.

Kosovo’s prime minister also told MEPs that he hopes that during the current German EU presidency the liberalization of the EU visa regime with Kosovo will be approved.

“It goes without saying that we are the only country in the region without liberalization. It is known that we have met all the criteria and our government is trying to ensure that these criteria continue to be met and progress at all times.” We deserve visa liberalization And I want to thank the MEPs for their support, “he said.

He reminded MEPs that due to the request of the EU, at the beginning of his term, he made some “extremely unpopular” decisions: removal of non-tariff barriers and “reciprocity” introduced by the previous government against Serbia.

“Our partners in the EU have asked us to do that.” We have been involved in this process since the summit in Paris, where we, as a Government, presented the principles of how we view this important process. In the dialogue with Serbia, we have made progress on various issues, “he said.

“When we started this process, we made it clear that we are striving for a comprehensive agreement on full normalization with Serbia, and it can only be achieved through mutual recognition,” said the prime minister of Kosovo.

He wrote on Twitter that he had a very good meeting with the President of the European Parliament, David Sasoli, on managing the pandemic and the visa liberalization process.


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