Hoti: If there is no mutual recognition, there will be no agreement with Serbia


Kosovo Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti said today, on the occasion of Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić’s statement, that Serbia will not recognize Kosovo as long as he is president, that such statements do not contribute to the dialogue process and that no agreement can be reached. final agreement without mutual recognition.

“Kosovo remains committed to all open issues with Serbia to be concluded through an EU-mediated dialogue in Brussels. The dialogue continued on clear principles of a final agreement on normalization of relations and mutual recognition, and there will be no partial agreement. “Hoti wrote on Facebook. , broadcasts Kosovo online.

If there is no mutual recognition, there will be no agreement, Hodi said.

“Kosovo will continue on its way to the European Union,” said the Kosovo prime minister.

Let us remind you, Vučić said yes on TV Prva last night. as long as he is president, there will be no recognition of KosovoIn other words, that “Belgrade will certainly not recognize Kosovo” until April 2022, when the presidential elections will be held in Serbia.
