Hoti: Hoti: A Study on the Fake and Conspiracy Theory EP


Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti assessed in Rahovec that the study presented to the European Parliament’s Foreign Policy Committee was based on conspiracy theories, which was false and did not represent the opinion of the European Parliament, but of the author of the study. He believes that non-existent arguments were used in preparing the study.

“I am convinced that the study is completely based on conspiracy theories without any truth. We are now communicating with EU officials, the European Parliament regarding this study. It is not a report, it is not the opinion of Parliament. European, but the author and it is clear that and the data used in the conclusions of this report are inconsistent, false and conspiratorial, “he said.

Asked about his relations with the envoy of former US President Donald Trump for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Richard Grenel, Hoti said that they maintained regular communication with him and that “the agreement on the economic normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia as of 4 September will continue to apply. ” “.

“We have regular communication and in the past we have communicated with both Republican and Democratic American political fields. It has been confirmed that, despite the change of administration in Washington, the September 4 agreement will continue to be implemented and we are working on it. every day, “he said. .

He reiterated that Kosovo has met all the conditions for visa liberalization.

“Now we are working hard to convince individual member states. In the previous government we worked with Germany, now in this government we are working with France and the Netherlands. The Foreign Minister was in the Netherlands, she met with a colleague in the Netherlands, it is now an internal decision “Member States. By the way, we as a state have met all the conditions and we continue to adhere to them, “said Hoti.

The study, published by several European authors on behalf of the EP Foreign Policy Committee (AFET), notes that the US envoy for the dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo, Richard Grenel, encouraged statements on Twitter that US troops would withdraw from Kosovo .

Grenelle continued to carry out this threat, which was not made by any US official, in negotiations with Kurti’s coalition partners, leading to a vote of no confidence to overthrow the Kurti government. The move was widely condemned in Europe, including a joint Franco-German effort. “This example shows how a foreign actor has managed to produce a completely imaginary threat and thus incentivize a change of government,” the study said.

That (Kurti) coalition was short-lived and was basically destroyed by the US disinformation operation, according to the study.
